
What are your top five fantasy novels to reccomend?

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And don't say Twilight.

I read it already.

Thanks =)




  1. No real order

    Tolkien's Lord of the RIngs

    Roger Zelazny's Amber series

    George R.R. Martin's  Clash of Thrones series

    Fritz Leiber's Fafhred & Grey Mouser series

    R. A. Heinlein's Glory Road

    These are top of my head, I know I'd give different answers if I was looking at my bookshelf.

  2. The Sword of Truth is by Terry Goodkind, it's the first book in a series.

  3. The Sword of Truth by Terry Goodkind starts with Wizards First Rule

    The Dark Tower by Stephen King starts with The Gunslinger

    The Arthur Triology by Bernard Cornwall starts with Winterking

    Ingo series by Helen Dunmore starts with Ingo

    The Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon starts with Cross Stitch

  4. the Redwall series by Brian Jacques.  it is kinda like a cross between Watership Down and King Arthur.  supposedly it is for teens, but the violence can bump it up to young adults.  this is my favorite series of books ever since i was in middle school, which was a while ago

  5. The Meredith Gentry series by Laurell K. Hamilton; "A Kiss of Shadows" is the first in the series.  I've only read three of them so far, but it's getting really good and I've heard they only get better from here.  

    Laurell Hamilton's Anita Blake vampire series is pretty good too; the first one in that series is "Guilty Pleasures".  

  6. Series 1 by David Eddings

    The Belgariad (5 books), The Malloreon (5 books), Belgarath the Sorcerer, Polgara the Sorceress

    Series 2 by David Eddings

    The Elenium (3 books), The Tamuli (3 books)

    Series 3 by Terry Goodkind

    The Sword of Truth series book one is Wizards first rule (you'll be hooked by page 2)


  7. 1. The Shadow Children series by Margaret Peterson Haddix (or really any of her books)

    2.) the Pendragon series by D.J. MacHale

    3.) Keys to the Kingdom series by Garth Nix

    4.) Chronicals of Narnia by C.S. Lewis

    5.) Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling

  8. Hi there.

    I am NOT going to try and predict your taste, just tell you my own top 5 as they currently stand.

    1. The Hobbit/The Lord of the Rings, by JRR Tolkein.

    2. The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever, by Stephen Donaldson.

    3. The Fionavar Tapestry, by Guy Gavriel Kay.

    4. The "Watch" trilogy (NIght Watch/Day Watch/Twilight Watch), by Sergei Lukyanenko.

    5. The "Amber" Chronicles, by Roger Zelazny.

    I know there is a lot of top fantasy out there, but you will have read nothing but classics of the genre if you get through this lot. If this seems daunting, find 4 and 5 first. The Abhorsen trilogy by Garth Nix is highly recommended too. But you said 5!

    Enjoy, Steve.

  9. I cannot believe that no one has suggested Terry Brooks.

    *  The Sword of Shanarra (And following series.  It's a long one.) by Terry Brooks  I love this man's books.  He's actually got three series going.  Shanarra, The Word and the Void and Landover.  This man is the reason I am never seen without something to read.

    * Storm Front by Jim Butcher.  The first in the Dresden Files.  They're mystery/fantasy.  And so very funny.

    * The Color of Magic by Terry Pratchett.  This is the first of the discworld novels.  Pratchett is a satirist.  There is nothing he won;t make fun of in this fantasy world of his.

    * Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman.  I love love love this book.  It's about London Below.  There's a whole different world down there.  And there is actually an earl in earl's court.

    *  Artemis Fowl By Eoin Colfer.  They're technically teen books I guess, but I've never cared for age limits anyway.  There are a few books in the series.  Artemis is a boy genius who hatches a plan to steal fairy gold since he's smart enough to do it and still young enough to believe in fairies.  The whole cast of characters are wonderful.  I love watching how Artemis changes through his interaction with the fairy people.  

    All my top authors have written a fair few books.  Not all in the same series.  Gaiman has more scattered stand alone stories.  Jim Butcher has I think two series.  Pratchett works mostly in the Discworld, but he has a few young reader books that are not discworld that I've been meaning to read.  And Terry Brooks wrote Magic Kingdom for Sale-Sold which is the book that made me realize how much room there is for cool exciting things between the covers of a book.  I suggested Shanarra in my list because it's really a very good fantasy-going-on-a-quest-to-save-the-wor... sort of book.  And the series got more enchanting as it goes.  It follows a family through several generations, it shows how each generation is impacted by the ones who came before.

  10. haha, i was just about to say Twilight.

    The Night World series - L.J Smith

    The Mediator series - Meg Cabot

    Vampire Kisses series - Ellen Schreiber

    Vampire Diaries - L.J Smith

    The Lord of the Rings series - J.R.R Tolkien

       Twilight got me obsessed with vampire books!!!

    Twilight, yay!!

  11. The Lord of the Rings-J.R.R.Tolkien

    The Chronicles of Narnia-C.S.Lewis

    The Hobbit-J.R.R.Tolkien

    The Cosmic Trilogy-C.S.Lewis

    Dracula-Bram Stoker

  12. 1. Memory Sorry & Thorn (trilogy) - Tad Williams. I can't recommend this enough, it's a masterpiece.

    2. Magician - Raymond E. Feist. This was the last book I read, it's excellent.

    3. The Word and the Void (trilogy) - Terry Brooks. This is something a bit different but superb.

    4. Lord of the Rings (trilogy) - J.R.R. Tolkien.

    5. Legend - David Gemmel. A great single novel about a legendary but ageing warrior and his last battle.

  13. cirque du freak series-darren shan


  14. Hi,

    Can I recommend a series as one novel?

    My favourites were the classic recommendations:

    The Abhorsen trilogy by Garth Nix (Sabriel,Lirael,Abhorsen)

    The Black Magician Trilogy by Trudi Canavan (The Novice,The Magician's Guild, The High Lord)

    The Farseer Trilogy by Robin Hobb (Assassin's Apprentice,Royal Assassin, Assassin's Quest)

    The Bartimaeus Trilogy by Jonathan Stroud (The Amulet of Sarmakand,The Golem's Eye,Ptolemy's Gate)

    and The Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley.

    But there are a lot of others I'd also recommend, outside of the top 5.

  15. Gormenghast Trilogy (first two books only - don't even bother with the third).

    although I'm not sure if it's what you mean by fantasy - it's more like a slightly different alternate reality.  Amazing books though.

  16. My favorite is the following:

    1. The Gunslinger (book 1 of 7 in the Dark Tower series) by Stephen King

    2. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (book 4 in Harry Potter series) by J.K. Rowling

    3. The Hobbit (prequel to Lord of the Rings) by J.R.R. Tolkien

    4. Alice in Wonder Land by Carrol Lewis

    5. A Wizard of Earthsea (book 1 in Earthsea trilogy) by Ursula K. Le Guin

  17. Perdito Street Station by China Miéville.

    Veniss Underground by Jeff Vadermeer.

    Arabat by Clive Barker.

    American Gods by Neil Gaiman.

    Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan.

  18. 1. A Song of Ice and Fire series, by George R.R. Martin (the first is A Game of Thrones, my favorite is A Storm of Swords)

    2. the Enchanted Forest Chronicles, by Patricia Wrede (the first is Dealing With Dragons)

    3. Good Omens, by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman

    4. Beauty, by Robin Mckinley

    5. Harry Potter series, by J.K. Rowling (my favorite is HP and the Prisoner of Azkaban)              

    Honorable mentions to Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit, the Chronicles of Prydain, the Discworld series, the Narnia series, The Once and Future King, the Redwall series, the Dark is Rising series, and lots more.

  19. The Belgariad & Mallorean series by David Eddings

    Artemis Fowl series - Eoin Colfer

    The Tower & The Hive series - Anne McCaffrey (poss Sci-fi a bit??? thoughts?)

    The Axis/Wayfarer Redemption series by Sara Douglass

    The Abhorsen Trilogy by Garth Nix

    If the Anne McCaffrey one are a bit too sci-fi then there is the Crystal Singer series as well.

  20. The Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolkein

    'Thomas Covenant' books by Stephen Donaldson

    ''The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe' by C S Lewis

    'Mort' by Terry Pratchett

    'His Dark Materials' trilogy by Philip Pullman

  21. Cry Wolf by Patricia Briggs

    Mercy Thompson series by Patricia Briggs

    Magic Bites by Ilona Andrews

    Night Huntress series by Jeaniene Frost

    Stray by Rachel Vincent

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