
What are your true feelings about the U.S. government? Frustrated or content?

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I want to know what the average American citizen (and other national citizen) think about our government and what kind of change we need for this country. With someone as leaderless as President George W. Bush somehow running two terms, our high oil prices soaring higher, the War on Iraq, our shaky economy, high unemployment, and the fact that our health care system is statically the most expensive in the world, I just wanted to hear your thoughts about the state of this country.




  1. I am not frustrated or content, but  I am deeply concerned about the future of our country. It has not been the fault of any  one presidency or congress that has brought us to the place we are today. In regards to the questions you asked, here's my opinion. Bush is not the greatest president, but he is not leaderless, as it takes a person of strong conviction to take a stand on an issue that is not popular with the majority.  Oil prices are soaring, so write to your congressional representatives and tell them we need to drill. They have put the blame for high energy prices on everyone except themselves. The war in Iraq, like any war, results in death, which is not a pretty thought. Will we be  safer in the long term, and will the world be better in the long term, despite all of the rhetoric? I think yes. Shaky economy, not as bad as you think, and unemployment is at 5.5 percent, which is low. Health care is expensive, but we have the best in the world, but there are too many freeloaders that raise the cost  not only for health care, but for all other aspects of our economy.

  2. i HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE the government with a passion, they do nothing that helps, at all.

  3. Content, as i do not rely on government to feed and shelter myself or my family.  Personal responsibility = contentment!!

  4. sorry, can;t comment here! and if you all were wise, you wouldn;t either.

  5. Frustrated - with every single one of them!

    I think everyone is too interested in kowtowing to the money and special interests, and not interested enough in working for those that ELECT them and PAY them - the American voters.

    And nothing is going to change until we - the voters - hold them accountable!  I seriously think that there needs to be a way for us to do just that - such as a way to fire them in a shorter time than the end of their term.

    I seriously think that if they could be fired for unsatisfactory job performance, they would end up doing their job.

  6. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

  7. Resigned.  The problem with our government is that our "leaders" first service themselves.  Next they service the Special Interests that got them elected.  Next they service their political party, because it got them elected.  Next they service their constituents.  Finally they get around to servicing the country at large.

    It's completely backwards.  But as long as Democrats continue to vote for Democrats because they're Democrats, and Republicans vote for Republicans because they're Republicans, it's not going to change.  Thus, the resignation.

  8. It is scary, very scary.

  9. The only solution to what ails this country lies in the hands of congress, not the president.  Too many people focus all of their blame/praise on the oval office when in reality it is congress who spends the money and passes the laws.  The problem is too much pork spending and congressmen worrying more about re-election than what is doing right for the country.  This sometimes means not supporting pork for your district, but most won't do this because it could cost them in the polls.

  10. I hear many quote Reagan who said "government is not the solution; government is the problem. Well, it has not always been that way. Before the neo-conservatives attempted to revamp our government for the benefit of the 1% who hold nearly all the wealth, we DID have government of, for, and by the people. Today, the lobbyist system results in Congress being forced to do the will of the big corporations, because the cost of running for re-election is now so high that Members of congress must depend on these lobbyists for campaign funds.

    Only way out now is:

    1. Change the law regarding redistricting so that the party in power cannot assure re-election by manipulating the boundaries.

    2. Public financed elections.

    3. Term LIMITS.

    4. Limit the number of administration positions that can be appointed by the president.

    5. Limit the power of the Supreme Court by a constitutional amendment.

  11. I live here. I deal with it. Move away if you don't like it.

  12. I am not sure you would want to hear what I would have to say. It is atrocious that these people who are suppose to be intelligent, are so dang stupid!!! Or is it just greed and power that guides their dumb decisions? We are so out of control in this country it is beyond repair! I do believe that drastic measures would have to be used, but that will not be done, too many groups to complain, no matter what is suggested. As an example: stop the space programs for 5 yrs. put the $$$ back into the economy (space is not needed as much as food or health care), or stupid art work bought by cities for down town aesthetics instead of putting the money where it is needed the most. Or in our area, 3 coliseums were built for ballplayers. Since when do we tax payers have to pay for this c**p (they should pay for their own place)... why are we not puting the bond money to better use? And the beat and my opinions go on....

    A sad state of affairs, for sure!!!

  13. The government SUCKS! The fact that the medical care costs so much and remains unchecked is deplorable and pisses me off royally. It's costing more and more to live in this country when most people makes so little. Gas prices are disgusting but I know who's fault that is, G.W, medical care is the real problem in my book, you see "Sicko", 25 cents for and inhaler in Cuba that costs over $200 dollars here. How is this allowed? Alright I gotta stop I'm getting angry.

  14. Frustrated beyond belief.

  15. The state of your country is a right mess. There is no way anyone could be content with your government. Bush ruined many lives, he made a mess of everything and now your choices for the next "leader" are not looking to good, something has to give and soon.

    I would not know where to start, just like the next one in office is going to have to clean up the last 8 years of that mess he created.

    One other thing I didn't mention, anyone who gripes about how expensive it is to live in America, try living in Europe, talk about "expensive". You can't complain, until you've lived in GB.

  16. okay. im completly content with the government because all the government is to lead basically and to maintain peace... All u morons who think the government has to give away **** like health care they dont so drop it. you watch to much news everything there supposed to do they do drop it...

  17. First of all, the big wiggs in office need to read the Constitution.  They are supposed to be listening to us instead of making up their own agenda to make money from our struggles.  They are supposed to be listening to US, not the other way around.  My 12 yr. old daughter asked why houses are being sold for $7000.00.  I told her that this country was in trouble.  She, in fact said that the Govt. needs to read the constitution.  How about this:  To try to relieve some of the national debt, everyone on the govt. payroll takes a 15% paycut and that money goes toward the deficit.  How do you think that would go over??

  18. Frustrated...very.

    A Government that our founders established to be a government "Of the people, by the people and for the people" has now become under control of a corporate elite who wants nothing more than power and money.

    We are on the Virge of attacking Iran, which will start World War 3, not to mention the fact that oil prices will double overnight if we attack.

    Join the Revolution!:

  19. frustrated...angry...disgusted...well, you get the idea.

  20. I lost half of the faith I had for American people when they elected such a person as G. W. Bush and his lot for the second term. Arrogance and confrontational approach doesn't get anybody far. This is the administration that cultivated hate and war culture instead of peace and harmony. How can anybody says any good things about such people.

    You can't solve anything by fighting. You just create bigger problems.

    I hope, this time around American people will not elect another confrontational president. I like Barack Obama's aproach. He sounds much more sensible, he seems a good understanding of problems around us.

  21. Our government is disgusting.  But it's not only the government's fault.  It's the citizens of this country who are more concerned with Paris Hilton's arrest than what their leaders are doing.  They believe what they see on Faux News or Communist News Network.  Until people wake up and march into D.C. and take back control of our government nothing's gonna change.

  22. I 'm angry Government and President whatever. I am sick of too high cost rent and food and gas and etc. We did not have enough money for that.  I think Government and President take our money too much. I believe that they go to the golf and fancy restaurant and trip all the time. In 1970-1980 I like long time ago it was cheap gas and rent and food. I did not have to worry. But now today too high money too much. I am darn worried about money and bills. That is enough go up too much money.

  23. I am angry with the United States Government.  I feel like we are being raped by our own government and there aren't enough people standing against it to fight back. Our government is no longer a government of the people, it is a government for the global banking system.

      I don't even think our vote system really counts for anything anymore. I feel like it is somehow fixed and whoever the global banks want in office, will be in office. It is only going to get worse, not better. They have already gotten the population to think that $3.00 a gallon is a bargain for gas. The minimum wage was barely enough to live on before the gas prices went up but now, it is impossible. The middle class is disappearing. The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer.

      This country is tampering in countries that are none of it's business. It can't seem to fix what we have going on at home and yet they send our kids over to other countries to sort out their problems and die in the process. I truly believe that the United States is the "Beast" that supports the "dragon" in Revelations of the Bible. It is going to be the strong arm that enforces the wishes of the anti-christ.

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