
What are your two most important values in LIFE?

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...for me its respect and trust...

thank you for sharing...




  1. Love and Faith

  2. It is my FAITH for things I haven't seen yet and LOVE which keep me hold on to that faith. It keeps me going despite of all trials in life.

  3. 1. Empathy

    2. Fidelity

  4. self-respect


  5. my most important values in life would be empathy and respect

  6. 1) Love

    When you show someone Love, it changes their lives forever. For example, when you hug someone who is crying.... they know that you are not hugging them just because they're your friend, but because you want their pain and sorrow to go away. It changes others as well as yourself.

    2) Will

    When you have unbreakable determination, your passions and dreams have no limitations. Struggle is the evaluation of how much determination you possess. If your determination is strong, then any trouble or struggle that comes in between you and your dreams will be overcome.

    "The future belongs to those who have the courage to live their dreams." - Les Brown

    Have a peachy day!

    Love and Blessings,

    Lord's Child

  7. 1. integrity / honesty

    2. respect

  8. 1. Loyalty

    2. Honesty

  9. TRUST



    cherish both cause they're hard to find... very very rare

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