
What are your views and opinions regarding Atheism and Scientology?

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What are your views and opinions regarding Atheism and Scientology?




  1. I personally do not like atheism and scientology.   If you look around, there is no explanation of how the earth was made and everything like that.  God did it!

  2. In his book Science of Survival, L. Ron Hubbard wrote: “No culture in the history of the world, save the thoroughly depraved and expiring ones, has failed to affirm the existence of a Supreme Being. It is an empirical observation that men without a strong and lasting faith in a Supreme Being are less capable, less ethical, and less valuable to themselves and society .... A man without an abiding faith is, by observation alone, more of a thing than a man.”

    I'm a Scientologist and no, Scientology does not "destroy lives" much as the previous answerer might think. On the contrary, Scientology has greatly improved my life, and I think most Scientologists could attest to that as well.

    In fact, my father who is not a Scientologist, told me before he passed away, that Scientology "has been very good for you" and he thought the technologies of Scientology were very helpful and useful as well.

    Those who aren't Scientologists really don't know what Scientology is or is not, they base all their opinions solely on the opinions of others, without looking for themselves.

    At any rate, Scientology and atheism are completely different. In Scientology, we believe in the Creator, by whatever name we choose to call the Creator. And we believe - quite firmly - that we are immortal, spiritual beings.

    Scientologists will have different ideas about what the Creator is - this is not dictated in Scientology. So there are Scientologists who are Muslim, Catholic, Baptist, Hindu, Busddhist, Wiccan, etc.

    But the belief that we are not our bodies, but we are immortal spiritual beings is something that any Scientologist will be certain of during the course of his or her study in Scientology.

    Atheism has an entirely opposite point of view.

  3. They go hand in hand.

    Come on! A "god" that is locked up in a volcano, and to shed yourself of his influence you have to take self-help courses in communications, studying, critical thinking, getting off drugs and alcohol, and psychoanalysis. "Truth is only that which is true to you".

    It's as if it was made by an atheist to wean people away from religion who absolutely MUST have something strange to believe in.

  4. I view atheism, defined as "a lack of belief in god(s)", as a rational conclusion given that the god concept is incoherent and logically impossible.

    I view Scientology as a business and a dangerous cult.  It brainwashes, it extorts, it splits families apart, it destroys lives, it kills.

  5. I don't think you know understand what Scientology is.  It is nothing like Atheism, at all.

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