
What are your views of the North American Union between Canada, Mexico and USA?

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What are your views of the North American Union between Canada, Mexico and USA?




  1. We are against it!   A major super highway from Mexico to Canada? Just what the illegals and terrorists would love!

  2. I rather prefer the laws sovereignty of my country as they are.

    Variety is good, why make everything the same? The only real reason for a North American Union is so people are easier to govern and oppress. Resist!

  3. It would be a bad situation for all three countries for what makes all three unique is each has it's own Borders, Language and Culture. By putting the three under the N.A.U. the uniqueness of the three in time would fade away.

    Look, Mexico and the countries to the south have a lot of tradition and the Mexican people should be proud of it along with their History, likewise Canada, and U.S.A., now why do the politicians of all three countries want to erase the borders between the three?

    It is easy to look and see green grass on the other side of the fence, but that green grass comes at an expense. No one likes their grass walked on by trespassers.

    Unfortunately the writting is on the wall and the partnership is in the making without the peoples input from any of the countries, "We The People" will only be a saying read about in history books with a foot note that at one time this really meant something. This is why President Bush has not pardoned the Border Patrol Officers for shooting that drug smuggler in the butt (Thanks for protecting our Country and doing your job). It could be beleived that the Trilateral Union (already in place) put pressure on him not to pardon these guys.

  4. Never Happen.

  5. I know what Mexico would get out of it, but there is nothing in it for the U.S.

  6. Part of the End Days scenairio for me, and makes it easier for the Anti-Christ to come.

    I don't like it, but I think it will happen one day.

  7. All I've seen on this is some conspiracy theory stuff..I dont think it'll happen..but if it does I guess we are going to have to stand by for heavy rolls, because I know a load of people who are against it, incluiding myself..

  8. I read its supposed to be finished and in place by 2010, i dont like it. Not at the moment, it seems like our government is trying to tank our currency to be on par with the other two countries. Making the Amero a easy adoption as a new currency.

    Its going to dissovle our constitution, so it might as well dissovle America.

    Although i think we should have more to do with our neighbors, a central government is a bad idea.

    I do know this though, Clinton, Obama, and McCain are all advocates of the NAU. Why has this issue been ignored, those candidates wont even acknowledge its real. Bad for thier campaigns you think.

    Ron Paul 08......

  9. Its just another glitch in Bush's pea sized brain ( a lot like when he gives a speach and fumbles for words -  every speach, not just a few).

    There are no benefits to the concept!

  10. Mexico would benefit, US and Canada would take it in the shorts.

  11. It will never happen.  The respective governments are way too centristic.

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