
What are your views on Genetically Modified Foods or Organisms?

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I also would like to know some poeples points of view (stakeholders) that would help me. Like doctors, professors ect. and what they think about the use of these foods or organisms. If they agree or object to it.




  1. Because we can we must, and as long as we keep in our hearts what is right and wrong with respect to life, it is a good thing. We are on the threshold of developing plants that are unaffected by disease and can feed the starving in any environment. We will soon be able to use a plant or animal to synthesis medicines to treat diseases that kill our children and loved ones. Now we can use genetically mod'ed potatoes to make paper instead of forest products (one example this AM). We can expect in the future to look at the developing fetus in it's mother, check for problems, and if found fix those problems and end a huge number of genetic plagues that break the hearts of moms and dads and put a strain on societies resources.

    There will always be someone somewhere who will go against what is right and use the knowledge for wrong and to cause pain and not care. For everyone of them though there will be a thousand who will do the right thing. I'm sure also we run the risk of making a thing we have a problem controlling but that is so very highly unlikely.

    You have to trust that we go into this thing with the right presence of mind, to do good for all the planet and fix a lot that has not been right. To pooh-pooh it with out any knowledge and un-based fear is wrong considering all we can do.

  2. GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) are a big asset to the agricultural industry.  GMOs reduce the requirements for pesticides and herbicides required during production of the crop.  In addition, the pesticides that are now being used are much more environmentally friendly than previous pesticides and break down quickly in the soil to their natural components.  GMOs also increase yield and reduce cost.  So for the consumer it gets a cheaper product that is less likely to contain residue from harmful pesticides or herbicides.  There really are not many down sides to GMOs in the food chain.

  3. I don't think that we need these things. They may have problems in ways that we never expected.

    Like the celery that was made insect resistant. This turned out to blister the mouths of people that ate it.

  4. let me sum up my fears by example:

    cotton plants have been genetically modified to be resistant to ROUNDUP (glypsophate) vegitation killer.

    This allows a cheap mechanized overspray to supress weeds in cotton fields, replacing mechanical hoeing (it takes a lot more fuel to drag a blade through soil than to spray stuff) and human labor...

    The benefits are obvious, the unexpected down side: the resistance genes have already been passed to many economically important weeds. Plants share genetic material across species (through pollon)  much more freely than animals.

    The technology is to important to suppress, but we must take a broader look at what we are doing.

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