
What are your views on Prince Harry's behaviour?

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But that photo of him groping that woman!!! Princess Diana would have turned over in her grave..

I was really shocked by that photo.. :o




  1. None of what you printed is news to me;I've known about Harry's lack of indiscretion,making of poor choices for years now. He really needed his mother's guidance in his life ;her unexpected death came at a crucial time in his life.Charles did the best that he could,but his  boys were in boarding school,he was off on tours,there was no one person to guide them. William has fared  better than Harry;Harry was only 12 when Diana died and didn't have her guidance during his teen years.He wouldn't have dressed as a n**i if she were alive(Charles was furious with Harry and read him the riot act).Harry's influence in life are his aristocratic Hooray-Henry,party-boy friends.They all drink too much and do the most embarrassing things!

    And to Harry's drinking;as long as there misinformed people like the poor poster who claims that Harry isn't Charles' son,Harry will live under an unpleasant cloud and drown his troubles in drink.Come on,people,put yourself in that boy's would you feel if there were all of these stories about the"Love Cad" being your father,that you were not your father's son,all of these stories circulating around and the one person who could stop them is dead?And it doesn't matter that Buckingham Palace DOESN'T think DNA tests are necessary,they've lived down these ludicrous stories in the past,so just ignore it. But,I digress.Compassion is lacking in this world.

    He'll grow up,I hope, and make better choices!

  2. put against the wall with the rest of his as8e hole family.

  3. he's just another young lad, it's nice to see that even though he is royalty he's just a normal guy that does stupid things, it means there is hope for us all yet!!!!

  4. Why should we expect him to behave any differently from any other other man of his age.  Just because he is Royal doesn't mean his behaviour is going to be any better.  Please don't say he should be a role model for the youngsters, how could he with a father like he's got.

  5. Someone of his position within the monarchy should set an example to the rest of the nation. When somebody in authority attends a fancy dress party in a German n**i uniform it says it all really. How insensitive for British and German nationals alike. There were more outfits he could have worn, and in my view it should have been something from British history such as Henry VIII or similar. He is just an idiot, but I do have a lot of respect for William at least. The two are as different as chalk and cheese.

  6. He is not going to be King unless something happens to first his father then his brother.

    His behaviour is the same as many other young guys his age.

  7. The Spoilt little rich boy, who will never know the what real world is like. Still if he anything like his dad it's O.k. for him to commit adultery and ignore the morals the royal family tell us we should abide by."Al Capone" did less to corrupt society

  8. I presume the asker is either perfect, never puts a foot wrong, or just does not like to see anyone having any fun.

    Just because the man is a prince it does not mean he cannot have a good time now and again. Yes he has made mistakes but let's face it, haven't we all?

    Live and let live, I say.

  9. Theres nothing wrong withPrince  Harry he certainly hasent got an high opinion of himself Diana brought those boys up to mix with down and outs, and not with airs and graces , hes no different to any other young man growing up enjoying life sometimes forgets who he is and makes silly mistakes ,I seem to remember a certain  American leader has twin daughters who have made him blush a few times I dont mean that in a nasty way ,I am just saying kids do silly things when they are growing up and the ones I have mentioned are in the public eye, and that well I wont even say it, who said all those horrible things about him just look at Dianas ginger sister and his ears ,you have been reading the gutter press to much ,go a bit upmarket with your reading material

  10. What ever he does it gets in the press!

    He is acting like a typical lad of his age.

    I doubt he will ever get to be king, unless something happens to Wills, but I am sure he will have grown up by then don't you?

  11. I think his behaviour whilst less than desirable at times is probably typical of his age group. Given the circumstances surrounding the death of his Mother and the ongoing speculation I think his behaviour is more restrained than it might have been. I expect like most young people he will grow out of his partying behaviour and become more mature and responsible. Whether he'll ever be King is doubtful considering William 'heir' is first in line, and Harry the 'spare'.

  12. the funny thing about harry's behavior is that as shocking as it seems to us most of the royals through history were much worse only pictures and the internet make this generations seem horrible. look at george the 3 sons or even the earlier trials of herny 2 whose boys went to war with him so as you see harry silly c**p is just that little kid stuff that get splashed over the world for our amusement.

  13. Natalie's pink ones are obviously fake, Harry was just testing.

  14. first of all that ginger minger is not a Prince...he is bloody illegitimate son of Hewitt and that late woman that could not keep her legs closed...when will we sort this out...? and his behaviour well he is a spolit little inbreed so not shocked at takes centuries of marrying your close relatives ( to keep the money in the family) to end up as screwed up as that lot....surprised he doesn't do

    PS the royals are German anyway...don't you know?

  15. He's an upper class oik with a high opinion of himself and little respect for others.  Diana would be appalled, I think.

  16. His mother worked hard at making her children common....I think she succeeded beyond her wildest dreams

  17. He needs his cash flow curtailed and cars removed from his use.   Send him overseas for a year and make him work like anyone else.  He is acting like a spoilt kid probably because he is bored stiff.

  18. no one cares, cos he's really just another person

  19. spoiled rich kid

  20. I think its refreshing that we now have at least one young Royal who behaves like most of his peers rather than like something from a bygone age. If you were hounded by the media every time you you moved you would react against them and may well be found in compromising photos.

  21. Harry is not my son, so I am not responsible for his behavior.

  22. He will not reign unless HM Queen Elizabeth II,HRH Prince Charles and HRH Prince William pass away which would be  very sad things unless HRH Prince William has a child before he dies so that his,pathetic,brother doesnt get to the throne

  23. The answer my friend is very simple he is a young man with too much money, and too much time on his hands.

    No responsible job that in any way justifies the cash being funded by the tax payer handed out to him and others IN the royal family.

    There should only be, Her-Majesty, and the heir apparent to the throne in receipt of monies, and that, should be levied, at a much lower level.

  24. He acts like most people his age which shows how Britain is mucked up. After the Queen goes I think we should get rid of the house of windsor and find a new royal family or just get rid of the monarchy. Well i dunno.

  25. Who care what he does, he's irrelvant.

  26. OMG I never knew he was like that. What a shame. I have a crush on him. Or rather, HAD.

  27. He is another Princess Margaret, always out to try and gain attention. Like Margaret, Harry is rebellious. He is not heir to the throne so behaves exactly the way he likes.

    He has the freedom that william doesnt have.

  28. He can do whatever he wants.  He's a prince.  And, he didn't even have his Mum around to help him form proper behavior.

    Besides,, it's probably not all true, anyway.  The papparazzi are always out there lurking.  Move in a certain way to scratch your face and they'll grab a photo.  Later, publish that photo with the caption that you've given the finger, or picked your nose.  Whatever.

  29. One day he might reign and stuff??


    He's a young guy in his twenties...and this is not 1800. We'll get over it.

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