
What are your views on a recent media topic,Have people the right to have as many children as they wish?

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The argument "against" was the obvious detrimental effect the existing over human population is having on the earth's dwindling resourses and the impossibility of providing sufficient food to feed an ever growing population.The inevidable extinction of many species of wildlife is of course happening already at an alarming rate. The argument "for"was that the world is not over populated and if wildlife has to be depleted to accommodate the growing human population then so be it.Farming technology will always stay ahead of food requirements.




  1. Given free choice, the number of children born is actually below replacement in developed countries.

    In fact, each generation is shrinking by 20% at the moment in England. So if you live in Europe, have as many kids as you can push out, as long as you can pay for them.

    It's the developing world that's the issue. That's where all the population growth has come from. They need sterilising to get their population down so they won't starve.

  2. I think people should B sterilized after having 2 kids

  3. I'm against it. I totally support what they are doing in China. We already havea population problem and these days, people can't keep their freakin legs closed! last thing we need are 6 kids in every family that belong to crappy parents! ugh

  4. The planet cannot sustain us if we continue increasing in numbers and showing our environment no respect.

    I think anyone should be allowed one child but there should be criteria to reach to have any further ofspring i.e. income.

    If the current number of doley bums continue to pop our half a dozen kids each - most of whom will never work - and the working population can only afford one or two each, there will not be enough money to go around in about 30 years.  Each person who works would be responsible for paying the benefits of two others via their taxes.

    The country let alone the planet is going down the toilet.

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