
What are your views on childcare?

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i am not going back to work for another 3 month's.. and i don't know if i want to go back to work full time as i will miss out on alot of thing with my baby... was thinking go back for a while and see how i feel.. but i am unsure if i should get a childminder or put her in a day nursery..

what are your views on childcare?




  1. the location near with your workplace.

    the facility : the nurses, the foods and snacks that they give in childcare.

    Safety of the place.

    there`s a contact number that u can call anytime that u want to call.

    the hygiene of the place, plate, glass, toys.

    the schedule of the routine in on childcare such as : when they give the baby foods, snacks, time to sleep,etc.

    the childcara have a good reputation

  2. I dont trust childcare. They may have a degree in childcare but quite frankly i dont care. I dont work so its easier for me im always at home anyway. Try finding a family member or maybe even a friend who can child mind for you.  

  3. My views are that it's up to you as a parent

    If you have to go back to work then fine, if you'd rather be a stay at home mum then that's fine too!

    Don't let anyone judge you for the decision you make for your child

    I work part time at the minute and my son attends a nursery 3 afternoons a week

    In the time he's been there I have noticed a huge change in him, he's such a social little boy now, much happier than he was before

    His development is coming on well, his speech has improved a great deal and all from being around lots of other kids his age

    In September I willl be going to University full time

    He will then go to nursery for 3 full days a week and the other 2 days he wil be with his grandparents

    Do I think I'm a bad parent for not being there with him all day?

    No, the complete opposite in fact, I'm going to Uni to better our future

    I'm not the sort of person who could stay at home with him all day and be happy

    I'd be miserable and that would make him miserable

    What I will say though is that whatever you choose will depend on your personal preferences

    Childminders are good because it's in a home environment

    Nursery are also good because they have lots of children of different age ranges which is good for the social skills of the child

    Also make sure they are registered with Ofsted (if you are in the UK)

  4. be very careful who you choose, some girls can be nice on the surface. your child is in their hands, this happened to my daughter, only for a friend calling and telling her , the baby was being stuck in the cot while the lazy child minder watched tv all day , didn't change her or feed her. ma be a day nursery for peace of mind, even then you take a chance.

  5. any other family member that you can trust? Personally I wouldnt want to leave my 3 month old kid with a stranger and too early to be full time unless you have family help.

  6. nurseries are very expensive and not flexible with days and stuff.

  7. If you have paid leave obviously take all of it, then take as much unpaid as you can and still retain your job.  Then I agree with the person who said to go with family first.  Someone who will be a constant presence in your childs life will be much more significant in the long run and add to the growth of your child.  Psychologically its best for your relationship with your child if you can spend the first six months solid with your child, but thats getting harder and harder with the lack of government support.  

    Good luck and congratulations

  8. it can be excellent and in most cases it is in my experience

    you will miss the babys' developments. but when the child is in school she/he will continue to grow and change in ways you wont have the oppurtunity to witness

    ie: socially children are very different at school to what they are at home

    you will still miss out

    if you cant afford to stay at home go back to work and dont feel guilt about it

    childcare is very expensive and have you figured out whether you will be going to work and your salary pays for childcare

    so really you are no better off?

  9. I have always stayed at home with my children (2) until they were old enough to get home from school on their own, make a cup of tea without hurting themselves and be on their own for approx. 2hrs. that puts their ages to 11 and 14. I would never have left them with ANYONE during their informative years. I loved being at home with them. All parents have different views and as I was on my own, this was my best option. Money was always a bit tight but we had fun. If you can't afford to stay at home with them, don't have them........

  10. i would go for reputable child care that way your baby will learn good social skills and learn to mix with other children and also learn that being paretd from you is only temporary, it is so so hard but just shop around and take baby with you to see how she responds.

  11. im hving the same problem, my little girl is 9 months and i start uni in sept and am trying to find a good nursery. i wouldnt ve been able 2 work full time wen she was 3 months! i worked part time wen she was 6 months, even thts hard. i think childcare is good in some respcts, it teaches social skills from a young age and will help there mental capabilities. im dreading it though. i wouldnt use a childminder personally. they arent as strongly vetted and health and safety is diff. id pick a nursery,as i do like the idea of her being with other children. but you need to be picky.  

  12. personally I have heard so many horror stories about daycare that I refuse to do it.  Until my kids are both in school full time (2 more years) I will not work during the day,

    theres a place near me in a nursery/daycare centre. where a female daycare worker was caught and charged with sexually molesting a LITTLE GIRL !!! OMG!  

    My daughters dance teacher specializes in autistic children. one of her jobs is to go around to different nursery school centres and work one on one with children with autism.  She and I were talking and she is dead set against all centres after witnessing neglect and abuse at the centres she's been in.  

    If you have to work, then you have no choice but to find something. I am sure there are great places out there but I bet there are more worst places.

    Not saying everyone, but theres daycare personnel who really don't care about your child, they are just there to do their job, get paid and go home!

  13. personally i dont see any harm in childcare ....but i do work in a childcare centre as an assistant .

    my kids were 1 1/2 yrs and 3yrs old  when i put them in care two days a week .my kids are now 7 and 9 and neither have had any ill effects from their days in care ....probs really start once they hit school and go to kindy in my opinion.

    i think if you are unsure you have two options .....first enjoy your time at home and your time with your child....the second is go back to work ....if you go back you can leave her with a close friend or relative who you trust [as i do when i work longer than the school day goes for] or put her in care .

    i know the workers will care and nurture her and she will be can explain specific routines she may have or care instructions [settling techniques ,games to play with her ,books ,etc...]....we are more flexible and approachable than some parents think

    the choice is yours .

  14. I will give you an answer form  the view of a licensed home child care provider myself.  

    There are some very good daycare centers available for children and there are some bad ones.  Likewise, there are some wonderful home daycares and some awful ones.  I have heard it said that one would not use a home day care because they do not know what is going on after they leave, and while this is true, it is also true of a day care center.   I have worked in a daycare center and ANYTHING can go on there that goes on at home.  Providers DO have the opportunity to do anything at all they want because they are allowed to be alone with any child, same as in a home.

    That being said, I will touch on something you mentioned:  "I will miss out on alot of thing with my baby..."  Yes, you will.  As a child care provider, these are just a few of the things I have seen parents miss out on~  that precious first smile, first steps ( I have actually not told the parent that her baby stepped so mom  would think she saw the first step at home), the beginnings of little teeth popping through, I have seen parents not even know their child can eat cheerios and they have been doing it at daycare for weeks!  I have heard so many funny things come out of a three years olds mouth that mom and dad missed hearing.  I have watched a four year old stick up for her wheelxhair bound friend when she was being teased and mom and dad had to hear about it afterwards.

    You will mss a lot, but that doesn't make it a "BAD" thing.  If you find a good child care provider and if you make sure to spend LOTS of time with your daughter on your days off and after the long work day, it can be a pretty okay thing.  

    Many parents are too tired after working all day, or too busy trying to make dinner, clean up, bathe children to really spend any quality time with the child and THAT is why they are missing so much.  You will miss some things regardless, but making all of your 'at home time' meaningful and worthy can make the difference.

    Good luck with your decision.

  15. i would not personally get someone you dont know mind your child. ayone can chuck a piece of appaer at you saying they have good grades but dont trust anyone- its your life your putting into someone elses hands.

    me personally, i wouldnt put my kids in a nursery till they were 2 years old. I have enjoyed these last 2 years with my child watching them grow up and first steps, words, etc and would ahve kicked myself if missed that. but this is my opinion.

    Now shes 2 I would put her into a pre-school with other children while i went to work part time or whatever, buti wouldnt have put her in one before she was 2. no reason i just wanted towatch her grow up as she will spend next 16yrs in schooling and stuff. understandible not everyone can aford to take time off work.

    please odnt think about gettign someone in ur home to look after your baby, put your baby in a secure place such as pre-school around other children and where she will be looked after well and you will feel more secure with your baby there than with a stranger

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