
What are your views on cosmetic surgery and is it worth the risk?

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What are your views on cosmetic surgery and is it worth the risk?




  1. If you have the money WHY NOT?!!

  2. please don't....

  3. Cosmetic surgery isn't worth it. It's a lot of money for something that won't last forever (For example, if you get a face lift, you will have to get another later on, because the surgery doesn't stop the process of aging)

  4. Unfortunately cosmetic surgery is mainly used for people that have a mental problem which they think will go away when they have bits cut off and changed. In many cases it doesn't go away at all.

    If anyone wants to I wouldn't stop them. They can spend their money on whatever they want.

    As to "doing it for your partner", these people have the wrong partner.

    The new trend of cosmetic surgery for kids is disgusting and should be banned.

  5. My father is a plastic surgeon, so most people are surprised when I say I am against body alterations/modifications unless there is a medical need to do so.

    I plan to grow old gracefully, no botox, no face lifts, because you CAN'T fight the ageing process, this is of course a losing battle.

  6. you should love the skin your in. The only time i would get cosmetic surgery is if i was in an accident and was disfigured. Otherwise NOWAY!

  7. I would never do it.

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