
What are your views on feminism?

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I think it's ok for women's rights, but I think "man-hating" is kind of childish. What do you think?




  1. I think men and women should be equal. I am a feminist. There are women in the world who need help.

    I don't know a single "man-hater" in here.

  2. It used to be about equality but has morphed into a hatred against men and superiority movement.

    No one cares about the children anymore. Plus we need a Men's Rights movement to offset the

    unfair laws that some women use to abuse men.

    Basically it's got us all fighting against each other, got us paranoid, destroyed relationships and family forever and imprisoned innocent fathers.

    Instead of building up a country, it destroys. Instead of uniting, it divides. Instead of peace, it creates the very violence and inequality it professes it wants to get rid of.

    I'm not against Matriarchy.  The American Indians had a fabulous Matriarchal society 10,000 years ago or so in Lousianna.  But forced Matriarchy?

    Why force only creates what I wrote above.

  3. The definition of feminism has NOTHING to do with hating men. Just as people involved with the Civil Rights movement did not (and do not) hate white people. It means equality of the sexes. It means that women deserve equal pay in the work place, equal treatment, and equal oppurtunity. There is nothing there about hating men. It has gotten a bad rap. Like most things the media, society, movies, and pop culture has taken a good belief system and turned it into something childish and foolish. I know a lot of men who are feminist. They do not hate themselves. lol I am a feminist. Personally I love men. I think they are strong, s**y, masculine, and this world needs them. Have women been treated fairly in the past? No. Are there ways to make it better? Yes. Thats all there is to it. No hate involved.

  4. I think they are a bunch of mean,bossy men hating uptight women.

    Listen to this Feminists(God created man as the leader, protector, and provider; woman as the helper, life-giver, and nurturer.

  5. It served its purpose and now it is outliving its welcome.

  6. I agree with you. I think equal rights for woman (subject to woman wanting the consequenes to having equal rights) is all good, but the whole hating men thing is stupid. They're our equal- hence y we want equality with them in the workplace....

  7. It's hate movement that promote misandry; nothing more.  I have no respect for it.

  8. I think the modern feminist is to women what skinheads are to whites.

    They are the Black panthers of the modern womens movement, essentially un-needed and perceived as militant.

    Their stereotype does more harm then good and since they are so willing to turn on women who do not get counted among their ranks they tend to contradict themselves often.

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