
What are your views on humans compared with other animals?

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i think us compared with other animals, we are very inefficient. i had this conversation with my dad and brother and they didint seem to think so. aside from our superior adaptation abilities, even that is inefficient considering how wherever we go, we destroy (which can also lead us to say, that the "human race is a virus") just wanted the views of others.




  1. Interesting.  Energy wise - we are not efficient at all.  We need a lot of calories all the time to support our huge brains.  The evolutionary cost of this brain is that we can never be bored - unlike the rest of the entire animal kingdom.  This inability to be bored is the only reason invention is a part of our lives - which of course leads to the way we live our everyday lives.

    Could you imagine humans sitting in a zoo the way animals do?  It would never happen.  I don't look at humans as a virus - but more as a super organism which is bounded not by biology, but culture (language, social structure, etc.)

  2. We are the most intelligent, and at the same time, the stupidest animal on the planet.

  3. it isnt technically correct to call the human race a virus, it doesnt actually fit into that definition.

    i think that humans are just like animals. we are just more advanced. we happened to be the chain of animals that evolved to this point first. if we didnt then maybe there would be dogs driving cars one day.

  4. Compared to other animals we are the most efficient since we manage to occupy every corner of the planet and eat a wide range of foods.

    In these changing times the most inefficient animals are those so evolved to fill a particular niche - like only eat tree type xyz and only breed at 34 degrees that they cannot adapt to any other circumstance.

  5. I agree that humans don't just adapt to the surroundings, they destroy the surroundings to fit their needs.  But some other animals do a similar thing.

    A beaver dam is great example since they chew down a bunch of treas and can actually cause a river to flow down a different path.  Termites also destroy nature to fit their needs.

    But the difference between humans and other animals, is we can repair the damage by planting new trees, stopping forest fires, and cleaning up the litter that messes up the environment.

  6. Right on, bro. Good on you, mate. Etc.

  7. We lack the nobility of the Horse and Lion

    We lack the honest affection and trustworthiness of the Dog

    We lack the Independence of the house cat and the grace of the big cat

    Generally...we are not the best animal; we are the smartest but only be a little.

    If the earth could speak it would indeed call us a...virus!

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