
What are your views on mock Meat (Meatless meat?)?

by Guest61010  |  earlier

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I've purchased some (what I call) mock meat. Where by the chicken, in this case, is actually soy protein... as well I got some veggie burgers...

The fake chicken nuggets taste alright, but the fake chicken strips will take some getting used to..

What are your views on items such as this?




  1. some of them i like, but it freaks me out when they taste too much like the real thing.  i kind of like the fact that none of them really taste EXACTLY like meat.  

    they're definitely not something i would eat often, but when i'm feeling lazy it's nice to pop a veggie burger in the microwave instead of cooking a big meal.

    if you like them, eat them....and at least you can be guilt free.

  2. my only opinion is that it is delicious and cruelty free.

    try veggie dogs. mm

  3. Some of it's good, some of it sucks.  Does it really taste like meat?  Heck if I know... it's been too long to really remember what it tastes like.

    Try a bunch of different brands until you find ones you like; there's plenty to choose from.

  4. ok i totally agree with allison, veggie dogs are the best,

  5. the only one I like is Melissa's Soyrizo, a vegetarian version of the mexican sausage chorizo. I am not a veg, but I cannot bring myself to eat real chorizo, because of the ingrediants.

  6. I'm not a big fan because they're usually loaded with sodium.

  7. I think they are great!  My favorites include Tofurkey (my hardcore meat eating father really likes it too) and the fake meats you can find at some Asian restaurants.

    If a person is a health fanatic, they avoid fake meats because they are processed.

  8. I think they are good in some ways and not so good in others.

    On a high note, they are good for folks who are trying to transition into the vegetarian lifestyle. It gives them something familiar to eat. They are also excellent sources of protein. In a social situation (like a cookout), they can be invaluable as the vegetarian doesn't have to sit there with a huge mushroom cap on a bun and find himself bombarded with veg questions. (lol) The vegetarian can make a veggie burger and sort of "blend in" with everyone else. They are also nice to have on hand in case you are short on time and at a loss for dinner ideas. They can be "convenience food", if you will.

    On the other hand, these foods are heavily processed. Processed foods are not good for us in excess. The soy meats also sometimes contain large amounts of sodium. That's never a good thing.

  9. I like them.They helped me a lot when I first went veggie.I use to live off of them for the first couple of months as a vegetarian.You can cook them just like real meat which is good.I think they are good when I want something to eat fast.They great when my family has a cookout or something.I can still eat and I don't have to worry about being bother with getting asked dumb questions

  10. As long as your not eating real must understand that because of the culuture we live in today where meat is always in our face and its normal to eat harmless animals we have in our systems gotten used to it but of course not all vegetarians and vegans eat those things but you have to understand WHY some people choose too.

  11. soy meat is cool

    nuggets are good...but they turn into tasteless white filth after a awhile.....

    enjoy!!!!!!!!!! lol

  12. Its OK ,i don't really care for ``mock meat``.Because as it is ,I do not eat meat ,so why even try to eat fake meat?Makes no sense to me at all.

  13. They don't taste like meat, but if they have no animal products in them, then what they hey.

    Best not to eat these things sometimes because they sometimes have obscure things which are animal products, which most people would not notice if they read them on a packet.

  14. i like the taste of meat. i stopped eating it for moral/ethical reasons and the suffering involved in the mass production of it.  so i love the "mock meats" because i can have something that i think tastes good and no pain and suffereing is involved :)

    my bf loves them cuz they taste good and they're healthier (he eats meat too)

  15. mock meat is okay. but i like veggie burgers better. i feel weird when i eat mock meat because it tastes to much like real meat.

  16. They aren't meat and have no animal products in them, so why not eat them. Some of them have a lot of protein in them too.

  17. I don't like them. Not that I am a vegtarian anyway, but those things taste nasty, are not even close to the real thing and are as processed as much as regular junk food..

    My brother ordered a veggie burger at some local burger joint that used Boca patties.. He threw up after two bites..

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