
What are your views on organic farming?

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writing essay for AS coursework and need some opinions. not sure what i think about it myself...................




  1. I feel that organic farming is an empty phrase in that there is no clear definition. What is organic in one county may not be in the next. What is considered organic varies so broadly across the country and when taking to account that when a product is certified organic at it's location of origin it may then be shipped long and far to a place that, had it been produced there, would not be organic. Regardless, often the stereotypes that organic is harder for the farmers and that it is just a marketing scheme are vastly false. In summary i am in favor of a controlled well defined organic certification system, however against the system that is currently in place.

  2. Organic farming.

    Is the need of these days. Sickness all over is mostly due to minute doses of chemicals we consume at every meal!

    We are loosing community health, since food is loosing nutrient values. Food has lost more than 25% of its nutrient values for use of chemical fertilizers.

    Taste of the food is disappearing, due to chemicals.

    Organic farming is not very difficult as stated by one of our friends in this column. It is not as much productive as chemical farming, however fetches more price in the market. Less expenditure, hence in spite of less production, farmers have left with more profits.

    Farmers can make their fertilizers on the farm itself, with the leftover organic matters on the farm. The use of farm animal excreta helps in big way to recycle minerals and creating friendly bacteria needed for bringing nutrients in available form. They can also make mild insect repellants and pesticides from many of plants and weeds available on the farm!

    This is a very big subject. Elaborate on each sentence above and you will have 3 to 4 page report. Good luck.

  3. It's good for our food supply, good for the land/air/water.  Hard for the farmer but, IMO, if it were adopted by more farmers would be good for them in the long run.

  4. good for eater difficult for farmer


  6. Organic farming is the most cost-effective way of growing crops for the farmer, as the main expenditure in non-organic production is on pesticides and fertilisers.  These can seriously eat into a farmers profits.  It is incorrect to say that organic farming is more time intensive - using organic methods is the only way to maintain a healthy, ecologically-balanced soil.  Healthy soil does not require inputs of fertilisers and pesticides therefore the farmer has more free time as they are not out spraying fields.  Numerous studies have also shown that crops grown organically in healthy soils contain higher concentrations of vitamins and minerals and that crop yields equal or in many cases surpass those of the same crop grown with chemicals.  I would strongly recommend the book "We Want Real Food" by Graham Harvey, which explores these issues in depth and makes the case for organic and 'traditional' farming techniques.  It is very readable (written for a general audience - not scientists), eye-opening and well-referenced.  Good luck!

  7. its some good stuff it is good for the environment !

  8. I've been getting my ducks in a row so to speak to start a mini farm. My wife and I will be growing our own veggies raising our own meat and not using chemicals to do it. It is only 5 1/2 acres, but it's ours and we're really excited about it. My biggest concern is the fact that chemicals are so very affective when fertilizing and dealing with pests. But we're trying to attract birds and insects that will help us out. We're also trying to go green on energy. Even gonna make our own soap and candles from our bee hives. This all came about because we want to be self sufficient. If you look at all the things you can do with just a couple acres you'd be surprised. There is a definite balance that I see we'll have to achieve in order to be successful at this little venture, but we're looking forward to it and also doing our little part to help out the environment even if it's just our little part of it.

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