
What are your views on people who kiss the Quran after reading it

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  1. i don't kiss it :s, its Bid'a but i know tons of peeps who do :P

  2. Question: I have seen amongst the people that which I have never heard of nor seen before and that is kissing the Qur.aan as (one see’s) two men kissing each other (out of brotherly love).

    Response: All Praise is for Allaah, the One, and prayers and salutations upon His Messenger, his family and his companions. To proceed:

    We do not know of any basis for a man to kiss the Qur.aan.

    And with Allaah lies all success and may Allaah send prayers and salutations upon our Prophet (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) and his family and his companions.

    The Permanent Committee for Islaamic Research and Verdicts

    al-Bid’u wal-Muhdathaat wa maa laa Asla lahu, Page 549;

    Fataawa al-Lajnah ad-Daa.imah lil-Buhooth al-’Ilmiyyah wal-Iftaa. - Question 12 of Fatwa No. 4172


    Kissing the Mus-haf, kissing one’s fingers and swaying whilst reciting Qur’an

    My questions relate to Bida'a. At the Mosque I attend I see brothers performing actions which I think are Bida'a but require confirmation with sources. I would like to try correct these practices, Inshallah with Hickma, if there are incorrect.

    1. Blowing on fingers and wiping eyes with thumbs after making Dua'a.

    2. Always ending Dua'a with Al-Fatiha.

    3. Kissing the Qu'ran when picking it up and before putting it down.

    4. Swaying while sitting in Salat or reading Qu'ran.

    Praise be to Allaah.

    Any act of worship must be based on evidence (daleel) from the Qur’aan or saheeh Sunnah. One of the principles of this religion is that Allaah cannot be worshipped except in the ways that He has prescribed, and He cannot be worshipped in innovated ways (bid’ah). The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Whoever innovates something in this matter of ours [i.e., Islam] that is not part of it, will have it rejected,” i.e., his deed will be unacceptable to Allaah. There is no evidence in either the Qur’aan or Sunnah for ending du’aas with al-Faatihah. Similarly, there is no evidence for blowing onto one’s fingers and wiping the eyes with them after making du’aa’. Al-Shuqayri (may Allaah have mercy on him) mentioned the bid’ah of kissing the thumbnails and wiping the eyes with them after making du’aa’ following salaah, or bunching the fingertips together and touching them to the eyes after prayer, and reciting certain things whilst doing so; he said that these are silly innovations. (Al-Sunan wa’l-Mubtada’aat, p. 71). With regard to the question of kissing the Mus-haf (copy of the Arabic text of the Qur’aan), the Fatwa Standing Committee (al-Lajnah al-Daa’imah li’l-Iftaa) answered a question on this matter with the following fatwa: “We know of no basis for kissing the Qur’aan.” In another response to a similar question, they said: “We know of no evidence that prescribes kissing the Qur’aan, which was revealed to be recited, respected, understood and acted upon.” (Fataawa al-Lajnah al-Daa’imah, no. 4172)

    In Al-Aadaab al-Shar’iyyah (2/273, Al-Risaalah edition), Ibn Muflih says:

    “It was reported that he (Imaam Ahmad) did not give an opinion [??] on this matter (kissing the Qur’aan) and touching it to one's forehead and eyes.”

    Al-Qaadi said in al-Jaami’ al-Kabeer: “He did not give an opinion on that, although it contains an element of respect and honour, because in the case of deeds intended to draw closer to Allaah, if there is no comparable precedent in the Sunnah, then it is better not to do it. Do you not remember when ‘Umar saw the Black Stone, he said: ‘You cannot do any harm or any good. If it were not for the fact that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) kissed you, I would not kiss you.’” (Reported by al-Bukhaari, 1597; Muslim, 1270).

    As for swaying when reciting Qur’aan or praying, this is habit of the Jews in their worship, so the Muslim should not do it deliberately. (See Bida’ al-Qurra’ by Bakr Abu Zayd, p. 57). One of the ways of wisdom (hikmah) in da’wah and combatting wrongdoing, to which you refer in your question, is to ask people for the evidence for what they are doing, because it is not permissible to worship in ways for which there is no evidence, as we have pointed out above. The burden of proof rests on the person who is doing the deed, not on the one who is seeking to correct him. May Allaah give us and you the strength to do good. May Allaah bless our Prophet Muhammad.

  3. I think it has no relation to sunnah

    but it was appeared in this way

    Kissing the Quran

    As related by Imam an-Nawawi, when he reported when Ikrimah (may Allah be

    pleased with him) used to see the Holy Qur'an, he used to put it on his head

    and kiss it and show a great deal of respect for it, saying "This is the book

    of Allah, this is the book of Allah."

    From this Imam as-Suyuti said it is good to kiss the Holy Qur'an,

  4. I don't see anything wrong with love something/someone....... you kiss  

  5. Kissing the Quran and other Islamic books before and after reading them is a mark of respect.

    I do kiss the quran  in the way you described.. Just sometimes I get overwhelmed by the feeling that these are the words of Allah !!!

  6. i don't really see anything wrong with kissing a holy book. it's a sign of respect. =)

  7. i do that too, i think just as a mark of respect. i have never heard anything about it being wrong.  

  8. i do it!!

    but have no idea about any fetwa!!

    ya binti Khalaty : D just start kissing the Qur'an it is more love for our holly book!!

  9. It's ok cuz its considered respect.

  10. my view?

    i think it's ok..unless they start making it a fard or sth :P


    searching about it,all scholars agree it is a bid'a (the prophet didn't do it,niether did the sahaba)

    but they are divided between forbidding it(bad bid'a),or saying it is ok (allowed bid'a),as there's nothing in quran and sunnah that forbids it, as ibn khalty said :it's our love for the quran :D:D


    lol's just sth i am not used to do,it will sound fake...:D

  11. its giving the book respect in my opinion

    i do it at least ...

  12. We were taught to kiss the Qu'ran after reading it.

    Another thing my family does is when ever we leave the country or go on very long trips each family member walks UNDER the Qu'ran and kisses it. I guess its supposed to be good luck so you have a safe journey.

  13. Ok weell there is no problem with kissing the quran after reading it or if it falls on the floor, you kiss it, but there are people who give to much respect to the quran like if its in the room they wont face ther back to it they turn around and walk backwards out the door.  

  14. i am ok with it

    i dont have any problem with it

    i see many people doing that

    i dont do it though

  15. i guess its ok cuz your showing Allah that tyou respect His book.

    i do it if i drop it at least

    iv also seen people on tv kiss the quraan before they gop off to war!

  16. I am gonna go to World of Islam in Manchester and get a book on the subject. I'm also gonna take 100 pounds with me and buy all 9 volumes of Sahih Al Bukhari Hadiths. I'll answer the Q then.

    But yes, in my family, the Qur'an is kissed after being picked up from the floor (if it falls accidentally) Also, I don't turn my back to the Qur'an. I have no idea why. Gran told me you shouldn't. I'll check the hadiths when I get them.!! YAY

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