
What are your views on religion and "god"?

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i think well no actually i know that there is no god

and religions just brainwash people to make money

like christanity

christianity is the biggest and most expensive cult in the world today!




  1. Troll much?

  2. I've ALWAYS said that those people back in the day had a good idea - to write a book full of myths and sell it as something bigger than it is. Over the years look how many people have jumped on the bandwagon.

    I have nothing against people who do believe - I don't know what it does for you but if it floats your boat then go for it.

    I was baptised and raised a Catholic, went to church every Saturday. I knew most of the mass off by heart by the time I was 4. There is one line that gets me. Catholic's say it before they receive the Eucharist: "Lord, I am not worthy to receive to receive you, but say the word and I shall be healed".

    I believe  I am worthy, thanks very much.  I live, walk and work on this earth and I am made to say to someone who DOESN'T live, walk and work on this earth I am not worthy?  PFFFT.

    I think some religions are more brainwashing than others, for example Jehovah's Witness' and Hillsong....Hillsong LOVE money. Don't even start on Scientology.

    Maybe it's just coz I'm not well educated in this department, but how can there be so many different religions if there is only one God?  How can there be so many religions that differ in their teachings/preaches if there is only one Jesus?

    Again, (to the bible lovers, I know you'll always have a "comeback" for this) forgive me for not being well educated,  if God created Adam & Eve, then she gave birth to Caine & Able where did the rest of us come from?  Did they have other babies that didn't get a mention in the bible?  But God loves us all equally.  OR did Eve get it on with one of her sons?  I'm sure God doesn't think highly of incest.

    I bet if somehow, we get rid of religion and the world will be a happier place.

    Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Give a man a religion and he will starve to death praying for fish.

  3. Well I KNOW their is a God. But God(if you want to call it that) is not like in the religions. I don't like religion. It just gives people more reasons to hate others that don't do the things they do. Religions don't give God a good name. For example people kill in God's name, that is ****** up. God would never want that. To make a long story short, God=an amazing and loving enity and religion=a hateful and twisted invention by twisted human minds

  4. umm... Religion is BS but it is very interesting. Well, culture is very interesting. Umm... God is fake and the christianity and evangelicals just pi$$ me off. Get over it. He's fake. Quit bringing him up. I hate God so much because any where I go, there happens to be some christian, bible thumping freak that tries to shove the religion down my throat. I just want to shoot them in the face a thousand times.

  5. Looks like you're more interested in us knowing what you think than you are in wanting to know what we think.

    In light of that...I believe in God because I refuse to ignore the obvious out of convenience.

    "I had motives for not wanting the world to have a meaning; and consequently assumed that it had none, and was able without any difficulty to find satisfying reasons for this assumption...For myself, the philosophy of meaninglessness was essentially an instrument of liberation from a certain system of morality. We objected to the morality because it interfered with our sexual freedom...we would deny that the world had any meaning whatever." -Aldous Huxley, Ends and Means, 1937]

    I am a Christian because I believe and have honestly investigated and, though I don't think Christianity has all the answers, it comes closer than anything else.

    As for the belief in God...the idea that the universe could have come into being by accident is so improbable that, mathematically speaking, it is incalculable.  As soon as you can prove mathematically that the universe could have come into being without a creator...let me know.

  6. christianity is a ide range of religions, so of course it has the most revenue. catholics are the worst when it comes to raking in the dough.  there is so much guilt and fear going thru catholics it's ridiculous.  good question, dude.

  7. I have many, many books on the real roots of Christianity, the real Jesus, not the Church invention 350 years after his death, which incidentally didn't happen on a cross....

    I know that what I have read and know to be true, but to a blind faith Christian is heresy, but you see everything which contradicts the Church's version of events is heresy... Everything that threatens to expose the real truth is heresy, or anyone or body of people who resist are heretics and in years gone by were murdered....

    It is all lies and deception designed for profit and control, but fear not all is about to be exposed, by 2012 we will free of the shackles which have bound so many for so long....

    As far as God is concerned, if we are referring the hateful, murderous Christian God, well he along with the rest of their man-made religion is nothing but a huge con job, he simply doesn't exist...

    I believe in a big energy or a higher dimensional being, but I doubt even they were responsible for the birth of the universe, and also this energy is female, as the universe is the womb of all life....

    Man made God in his own image, not the other way around...

    In Light... )O(

  8. Well, Can we agree to disagree... For God is very real... And just because someone misused the name of God, Does not mean that God does not exist..... Now I don't know what happen to you in your life ... But I know what has happen in my life... And no I am not being brainwashed... For I avoid churches that have rich pastors... While some members of is flock is hungry...............

  9. Hm mm...I guess my answer will fall on def ears, but here it goes. Jesus called the religious hypocrites and fools. God is very real in mt life, but If you do not believe in him, why are you asking questions about him? To upset people when you disagree or belittle them for what you believe is true? Or is there something inside you that truly wants to know God?  

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