
What are your views on so called 'ghosts'?

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I'm not talking about that user 'Ghost' who I think got banned now but the paranomral occurence.

I personally believe it to be a bunch of lies made up by attention seekers, bored people, scammers etc.




  1. The mind is a great thing and will fill in any blanks. People do believe that the see something but all they are seeing is what their mind tell them that the think they should be seeing. So when they wake up during the night and see a coat over a chair, before they know it it has arms and legs.


  2. I will not pretend that I know of all cases, and the legitimacy of each one.

    However, my opinion is that ghosts are not people who are bound to earth after death.

    It is popular in our culture to automatically assume that dead people have a choice between going to heaven, h**l, becoming and angel, being bound to earth as an orb, being bound to earth as a blob of ectoplasm, or being reborn as a duck.

    About 98% of hauntings can be easily explained. The other 2% (not that they can't be explained, just not as easily) do not support the belief that dead people are walking around consciencely amongst the living.

    I do believe in Angels and Demons.

  3. I don't really know. Sometimes I think no, but other times I think who really knows for sure. I'm going to go with that one. Who knows, but I still lean toward no.

  4. I think 'Ghosts' dont exist its just your mind telling u that there's something somewhere in your room or behind you. If you start thinking there's a ghost in the house, you are goner start feeling and believing so.

  5. You've answered your own question perfectly.

    Have 10 points !

  6. go on then prove to us that ghosts dont exist.  Theres one standing right behind you tho!!

    Personally i think ghosts do exist and are very real its just that the logical part of our brain tries to explain it away using science.  Ive experienced too much weirdness not to believe

  7. I think they're just some random Astral entities messing around.

    But to the skeptics, just watch an episode or two of "Ghost Hunters," or look into TAPS, I think you'll find all the proof you need.

  8. SB 3.20.41 P Conversation Between Maitreya and Vidura

       The disease of insanity or being haunted by ghosts takes place in an unclean state of existence. Here it is clearly stated that when a man is fast asleep and saliva flows from his mouth and he remains unclean, ghosts then take advantage of his unclean state and haunt his body. In other words, those who drool while sleeping are considered unclean and are subject to be haunted by ghosts or to go insane.

    SB 4.18.18 P   Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth Planet

       In Bhagavad-gita (9.25) it is said, pitrn yanti pitr-vratah. Those who are interested in family welfare are called pitr-vratah. There is a planet called Pitrloka, and the predominating deity of that planet is called Aryama. He is somewhat of a demigod, and by satisfying him one can help ghostly family members develop a gross body. Those who are very sinful and attached to their family, house, village or country do not receive a gross body made of material elements but remain in a subtle body, composed of mind, ego and intelligence. Those who live in such subtle bodies are called ghosts. This ghostly position is very painful because a ghost has intelligence, mind and ego and wants to enjoy material life, but because he doesn't have a gross material body, he can only create disturbances for want of material satisfaction.

    SB 4.29.2 P Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi

       How the spirit soul transmigrates from one type of body to another is nicely described here. The word eka-pada, "one-legged," refers to ghosts, for it is said that ghosts walk on one leg.

    SB 4.29.6 P Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi

       Because of his desire to enjoy the material world, the living entity is dressed with the material gross and subtle bodies. Thus he is given a chance to enjoy the senses. The senses are therefore the instruments for enjoying the material world; consequently the senses have been described as friends. Sometimes, because of too much sinful activity, the living entity does not get a material gross body, but hovers on the subtle platform. This is called ghostly life. Because of his not possessing a gross body, he creates a great deal of trouble in his subtle body. Thus the presence of a ghost is horrible for those who are living in the gross body. As stated in Bhagavad-gita (15.10):

                         utkramantam sthitam vapi

                         bhunjanam va gunanvitam

                           vimudha nanupasyanti

                         pasyanti jnana-caksusah

       "The foolish cannot understand how a living entity can quit his body, nor can they understand what sort of body he enjoys under the spell of the modes of nature. But one whose eyes are trained in knowledge can see all this."

  9. They're very real, to scared, lonely, vulnerable people that want to believe in the supernatural. For some, it's proof their is a life after this, and they need to cling to that.

    I 'm not one to dash anyones dreams, so to them I say, Boo!

  10. I don't believe in them.

  11. I don't believe in ghosts! I believe that people use that as an excuse to make the dead relive! Now if you think that you feel a spirit from them thats find! But Ghosts are mythical creatures that are used to enertain the human mind and persuade others to believe in them! In my eyes THEY ARE NOT REAL!

  12. If you can prove it - then prove it. Why aren't you some famous person for proving millions of people wrong then? I would really like to know how you think you know for certain.

  13. *waits with glorious anticipation*

    Don't get me wrong; I'd actually be *thrilled* if you could prove they don't'd mean I'd no longer have to sacrifice my own happiness, time, potential friends, love...yada yada.

    ***OH*** maybe THEN I could win the lottery!!!!

  14. I only believe in the Holy Ghost, not some silly made up ones.

  15. Several years ago i was driving through the avenue of trees at badbury rings in dorset in the dark when i could see a pair of mans legs running back and forth across the road in front of the car that was coming toward me on tother side of the road, it was a man from the waist down i couldn't see his top half, then the other car just drove thru him.

    A few years ago I was visiting my grandmother and whilst showing her how to use the new remote I saw my grandfather walk past me.

    At neither time was I scared or shocked, I didn't really think about it till I got home.

  16. who know's, this is one of life's mysterys that no-one will figure out, you can't prove it and you can't deny it

  17. I would love to believe in ghosts - I would also love to believe in all the weird & wonderful things that appear to happen.

    Sadly I think most of them could be explained by science - and anyway there is no scientific method of proving that mythological things really exist!

  18. ALL ghosts are fictional, including the "holy" ghost!

    A lot of ghost stories are indeed created by attention seekers, poltergeists for example are typically focussed around adolescent girls and they are directly performing the actions they blame on the "ghost."

    Some ghosts are created for financial reasons. Many old English stately homes NEED a ghost to bring in the gullible tourists!

    What annoys me more than anything is seeing an otherwise level-headed adult watching a bunch of actors shaking a table in the dark on Most Haunted and trying to pass this junk off as "documentary." It is about as real as WWE wrestling.

  19. I think that ghosts are a way to explain something that we currently are unable to explain.  I am sure there is a scientific explanation for every ghost story, we just may not have the technology yet to prove that it is not a ghost.  

    I think it is rude to call people who think they see ghosts names or liars...  Let people have their thoughts.

  20. if i see one without a shadow of  a doubt then ill believe,but until then guess not.

  21. Please, can we see the proof?

  22. Well it would take more then a lot for you to prove it to me because I have seen many ghosts and I personally know they are real from what I have seen.

  23. Well certainly fraud figures into it, but I don't think fraud is the major player here. Some people simply believe in ghosts because it meshes with their religious view of the world/universe. Some believe because they had a weird experience one that they couldn't explain, so they attribute the unexplained to ghosts.

    But despite all the ghost stories floating around, there still isn't any credible evidence for them. You'd think with all these people having all these supernatural experiences that we'd have a big heap of evidence by now, but so far we have nothing but bad photographs and unintelligible EVP recordings.

    I personally don't believe in ghosts, leprechauns, faeries, etc. Very fantastic, no evidence, ergo no belief is justified.

    Regarding your proof that ghosts don't exist, a universal negative is a difficult thing to prove. I'm dubious of the quality of your proof. Care to share it?

  24. your spot on.

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