
What are your views on the extinction of wildlife?

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plz,,,, give areasoned and a detaled answer without any soures need it for my holiday homework




  1. We are currently going through a mass extinction event without any natural cause, other than human beings, of course.  In geologic history, other mass extinction events happened after large natural disasters, like meteor impacts or massive volcanic eruptions.  

    In other words, we are as destructive as a species as any previous world wide catastrophe.

    I have a problem with that, and I hope you do too.  Biological diversity is not only necessary for our continued existence, but we should also have ethical concerns about destroying life on such a scale.

  2. I think it sucks. Because we need out wildlife and everything in order to survive. And when we lose one species, we start losing more because that species is losing their food. Like if worms became extinct, birds would lose a primary source of food. That probably won't be happening, but it's still the same idea. And can you imagine a world without, say, polar bears! That's a big one right there. So I just hope we can help all we can with stopping wildlife extinction.

  3. Well first off it has happen before with out any of mankind's pollution

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    And next it is happening all the time with out any of our help how

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    By survival of the fittest natures way of keeping things healthy.  

    That one creature that had a different something about its self did not make it for dinner one day because it became dinner that day

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    Of course mankind tries to blame him or her selves again

    it is the nature of the animal

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    So when we hear of one indanger creature somewhere on the planet people right a way say

    -- It is all because of us --

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    Just like global warming

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    Okay but what made the earth warm up to do the big melt after all the dinosaurs died from the big freeze

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  4. Extinction of wildlife is big threat to us all. We are all connected in one perfectly functioning food chain where all organisms, from  the smallest to the biggest play their own important role that enables life on Earth. Every new extinction means more damage to this perfect circle of life and threatens entire life on Earth.

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