
What are your views on the health insurance system in the United States? Does it work well or is change neede

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What are your views on the health insurance system in the United States? Does it work well or is change neede




  1. Let's see,,,,We currently allow approximately what???20  million or more  illegal aliens to use our emergency rooms as their primary care doctors at no charge.Hmmmm,,,Yeah,,,,I'd say we need some change.

    And to bonehead or whatever her name was,the numbers actully don't support your statement.The lower income families wages have been increasing(by over 50% actually) while the top wage earners wages have been decreasing.There is no reason for a healthy person in this country to be poor eccept for laziness.

  2. Nothing is perfect, but the system in the US is the best in the world.  85% of Americans have coverage, the government (meaning, taxpayers) pay for the elderly and the very poor, and children, and pregnant women, to have coverage;  everyone else still has prompt access in a life threatening emergency, and the rest of the world comes here for their medical treatment.

  3. It is not working. 5 years ago my husband was killed in a car accident, leaving me with an 8 year old child, no life insurance and a mortgage and car payment, and all the other trappings, as we know.

            To my relieve I was able to get suvivor benifits, however no health coverage for my daughter or myself. the system told me that my 8 yr old child made to much money to get any aid! As well did I.

              I could however cover us both for 785. 00 a month well thats almost as much as my mortgage. Can any one out there afford that on an income that the system fixes, and I can work, but can only make 12750. a year if I make more they will take money back.

               I am not looking for a hand out, just a hand up, and a chance to have medical insurance for my minor child. Another point is that she is disable by a birth defect. Afforable health insurance would be a bonus, as I have been paying everything out of pocket for the last 5 years, and as a result have neglected my own health care needs.

             And yes I have been constandly slapped in the face with working with illegal imagrates that are getting medical assistants that I can't get for my natural born daghter and myself, I have been born lived and worked , paid taxes and ,voted and did every thing a natural born American would do , and yet there is no help for use, just a little boost would be good and apppreciated.

  4. It doesn't work well if  you are a consumer of it's offerings.

    Costs are hidden, fee structures are impossible to navigate and there is no incentive to simplify.

    The Gap between haves and have nots is wide and getting shamefully wider in a nation with our wealth and know how.

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