
What are your views on the religions in Ireland and Scotland?

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Protestant and Catholic.....personally i think it's stupid ..people are people in my eyes....your views?




  1. It's stupid to fight over religion...any religion for that matter. I wish people could just get along and respect other people's beliefs. We actually learned about this in school a few months ago and I had no idea that this happened. Well, I'm Catholic (but Italian/Filipino) and I don't really care if someone else is Protestant or Jewish or anything else! It's what makes us different anyway! :)

  2. Well it's caused more **** here in Scotland than any other factor so the sooner they abolish it all the better, I believe

  3. Very Irish also.  I don't believe in organized religion. I think it's stupid to kill for religious reasons.  You are suppose to be so holy but you kill someone for not believing like you do.  Doesn't make any sense.

    I don't care what people believe in or don't believe in.   To each his own.  I don't try and shove my beliefs down others' throats and I expect the same from others.

  4. People should keep their religion to themselves.  (especially in Ireland and to a lesser degree Scotland)  'The Troubles' are really more about political divisions than religious ones, its just that the two religious factions found themselves on either side of an intractable political debate and couldn't disentangle themselves until it became protracted and entrenched.

  5. I agree with you, People are people, no matter what religion you are or what race or colour you are  we are all the same underneath.

  6. I don't believe in religion at all just another way to make people hate each other

  7. Well Im half scottish and half english

    and im just a regular every day christian

  8. I'm Protestant, well.. raised from a Protestant background and to be honest I couldn't care less about what people's religion is and who this country belongs to. If it became United Ireland I wouldn't give a ****, similary if it remained British and the republicans were okay with it... I still wouldn't give a ****. I think the fued is so old fashioned, and it needs to be sorted out soon, because it's an embarassment that puts Northern Ireland back 500 years.

  9. I don't think religion is 'stupid' but I do think people should just accept other religions and basically get over it.

    Religion is a personal matter, Which is nobody elses business.

    = )

  10. Well i live in the south of ireland and i agree it's stupid but it's not JUST about religion it's about the fact that england still control a small part of ireland which a lot of people don't like. i have a lot of protestant friends and religion has no significance in most parts of ireland. i don't think people should judge really when they're not even from here and have never experienced it for themselves to be honest

  11. I think their ancient religion is more popular their current religion catholic.

  12. no comment

  13. The bitching between them is stupid, yes, but people do need a spiritual guide of some kind. It's when it gets political that it gets nasty.

  14. Ha ha, my other half is half irish half scottish. He's catholic but thats only because his dad doesn't do religion. Personally I'm protestant so we'll get to that when its necessary.

  15. ime agnostic paddy........what do i know........seamanab x

  16. Being in the U. S. I think most Americans who aren't Irish or Catholic/Protestant aren't that knowledgable about it.  I have read many stories about people who lean one way or the other and I still don't understand it.  For me it's like England still having control over the Falkland Islands or the split of Samoa (the U. S. stills controls American or Eastern Samoa while Western Samoa is independant).  Why would England need to control territory in another country?  Why does America still control territory (the only territory south of the equator) that's so far away?  I'm sure everyone has their reasons but like I said most Americans don't really understand any of it.

  17. I don't really my opinion...and don't take this personally...Religion is has caused over 80% of all global war's...i quite like the idea most relegions start off with but the people just use it as an excuse for war...its just stupid...there all just being hipocrites...

    Yes i no harsh word's...but seriously that's only my opinion...dont...whatever you do take it personally...i not out to ofend people...everyone to themselves...

  18. People have a right to their religions if they wish. It's entirely up to them whether Protestant, RC, Hindu or whatever.

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