
What are your views on the school system?

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What are your views on the school system?




  1. I think it would be a great place if it was just for learning, speaking your mind, learning from other students, challenging authority and all that freedom of speech stuff. Unfortunately the truth is something else entirely.

    They say college is not for everyone but society pushes people to go to college that would otherwise not go. These days you can't get a decent job unless you go to college. Too many times college is a place where young people go because they feel they have to go.

    Also look at how many remedial courses have popped up in colleges and universities. People are just not as prepared to go to college. Its almost like a high school system, where colleges pass young people along and graduate them. Most state colleges require a 2.0 GPA to get accepted.

    I also learned that colleges have become a place for liberal agenda. I'm a libertarian myself. But d**n. I want my own mind to belong to me, I don't want to be brainwashed to think a certain way.  

  2. It's most corrupt in this day and age. It promotes a lot of socialist values, denigration of our founders, contempt for the Constitution, along with s*x ed headed up by a bunch of liberals without values.

    Also, they'll be saying things such as "g*y marriage is just another great choice of a lifestyle." '

    Also, the little vileniks that are the classmates often come from all sorts of broken homes and could be a bad infuence on your children, as well as spreading various diseases that you may not have even heard of.

    If your child displays signs of normalcy (and especially masculinity for boys), he or she could be labeled with a PC "disease" such as ADHD, and could be forcefully drugged.

    Heaven forbid, if he ever punches out a bully and becomes a hero, he could be called a troublemaker.

    Keep your children out of those schools if at all possible. They're modern-day scumholes, for the most part.

    I assure you, no one will do as good of job educating your children than you could do yourself, if you can find the time and make the committment.

  3. I think it's just broken. They waste so much time teaching useless information. I think that after 8th grade all education should be career orientated.  

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