
What are your views on the underwater Pyramids off Japan?

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Satellite images show large structures in the waters off the coast of Japan. Divers went to investigate, and found huge stone steps - similar to the unfaced sides of the Egyptian pyramids.

See the link, and have a further look if you find anything -please let me know.

What do you think?




  1. Mr. P have you heard of a site called "above top secret", ive been following your posts on here, and i think you might like it over there as well.. they cover lots of great topics, im sure you will find some of interest... If you have never been over there, when you enter you will find topics on your left hand side.. plenty on ufo,s and everything as well as people posting topics of all sorts..

  2. From the photos I've seen they are not pyramids.

    Those steps or terraces whehter they were man made or the result of erosion were formed when those islands were mountains on larger islands that shrunk when the seas rose after the last glacial.

    The assymetry of the steps and terraces does suggest natural formation rather than carving however some human interaction could have occurred as there are techniques for splitting rocks or widening anddeepening cracks that do not require high tech!

  3. Interesting indeed.  Wouldn't be surprised if cabon dating places them around the same timeframe as the Egyptian ones--when Earth's land terrain was surely different.

    To look at Japan today, it's a safe theory the country there was much much more than it is currently back then.  How cool it'd be to find large chambers INSIDE these monoliths---with artifacts in them!!!

    There's still many hidden areas of mystery yet to be discovered on, on to the quest to find Alantis.....

  4. >Since japan has always been subject to earthquakes and tsunamis, there is a good chance they were once above water and sank during one of these events. I have seen shows outlining these structures and they are interesting. but like the Mediterranean Sea area, many places have also sank into the ocean during earth shaking events.

  5. I've yet to see anything that I thought was unequivocally man made. And I see nothing that couldn't be explained by perfectly normal geology and erosion. My opinion is that  pareidolia explains why these look human made to some.

    It would be "relatively" simple to do a few a few rock cores and settle the issue. If blocks have been moved around and stacked, man made. If all the blocks are oriented the exact same way to the adjacent blocks as when they were created, natural. Most geologists looking at this are going to say "don't waste your money, these are natural formations."

    I'd be happy to be proved wrong. :)

  6. I have seen nothing to indicate satellites had anything to do with the discovery.

    From what I've read the jury is still out on this.  It's very possible this is nothing more than a natural formation.  It's also possible, though less likely, that the formation is terraformed.  That is, it's natural rock altered by human hands.  The reason I say it's less likely to be man-made is because there are no ornamentation or artifacts that have been found in the area.  Granted, it's under water so any such artifacts could be as yet undiscovered.  That's why I say the jury is still out.

    It's only a matter of time before people start saying this formation was built by or for aliens.

  7. Don't you feel sorry for all those slaves who had to carry all those stones etc? I try to remember them when I'm sitting here in my easy- love- seat yappin ' to ya'll..with my feet propped up!! Kinda makes you wonder why..doesn't it!

      Could this have happened during the Noah's Ark time?..or be connected with "Atlantis"? Those people were humans too..just like us...and had children and pets....Hope they got out in time!!

      I live near an could happen here too. In Automatic Writing one of them said it was going to happen...but we just had far. Hope they lied. (But can you imagine how I panicked when I saw I wrote that?!)(Hopefully I was just crazy!)

  8. This seems like a result from a tsunami or an earthquake as mentioned above. In the 1800's not sure exactly when, there was a drastic land slide in one of the peninsulas in Alaska. And it sent a powerfull Tsunami toward Japan. The pyramids under water may have been a result from that. Or there was a major earthquake that had changed the land features of Japan to shift part of the country into the ocean.

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