
What are your views on todays teenage generation?

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What are your views on todays teenage generation?




  1. Compared to my generation I find most of them to be disrespectful punks with no respect for their elders or authority.

    Much of the problem is in how their parents raised them so I can't fault the teenagers completely.

  2. I feel that today's teenagers are actually more conservative than my (Gen X) generation. Throughout the twentieth century, until the VERY end MAYBE, teenagers became more rebellious, out of control, and revolutionary. Today's teenagers are prudes in a way. They don't talk to each other any more disrespectfully than Gen X (although quite a bit more disrespectfully than Boomers). Maybe teen pregnancies are on the rise, but all births are on the rise in the country - my generation had the AIDS scare thing to cut down on juvenile s*x. Teenagers in the 1970s would smoke grass in the open, mouth off to cops, and streak. In the late 1990s until today, teenagers are much more reserved than all that. I have many theories for why this is the case.

    I like the whole Emo thing, even though it is a four-letter word in many circles - it just shows me that , yes, the youth still care about rebellion (which I see as a positive).

    I feel that youth have been criminalized from the 1980s to present. I feel that crime declined from 1994 until perhaps recently, so I felt much less safe among kids in 1986 (when I was a kid) than I did in 2006. I think there are curfew laws in place that didn't exist from the 1950s to the 1990s. For God's sake, they lock the high schools down now. When I was in high school, they had just banned the rule that allowed you to go off-campus for lunch. We make everything illegal, and then we wonder why more kids are being put in jail - the parents do not have effective ideas for how to deal with their kids in some cases, so they just let the police and the State control them.

    I'm a parent, and I know every parent wants their kids to be safe, and to be nice, productive citizens. But every parent wanted that in the 1950s, too. Do we have to turn the pre-18 years into a miniature version of n**i Germany to achieve our objectives?  No wonder adolescence lasts until 40 - kids have to have their second childhood after the age of 18, because we robbed them of it in their early years.


  4. well im 16 but not like the standard teenager of today. i gotta say alot are just fake and copying eachother about like who's the hottest hip hop artist of the month? then next month they dont give a d**n about him.

  5. Well as part of the youth of today, I think that the media protrays us in a dark light...

  6. I'm a teenager, and I have to admit that a lot of other people in my age group are complete twats.

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