
What are your views on universal healthcare?

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In your opinion:

What are the pros?

What are the cons?




  1. Universal...? Gosh"...

    Be more specific..

    Is it free?

    How is it funded?

    Will it reach all who need it..?

    I think if it were to work then all good and well.

    I think that if you were to do this there would be many pros and cons.... just the fact that the war machine needs to roll on regardless is a problem as health and war will contradict one an other.

    You would need to look at a united world for this to be possible and this can only happen when we agree.. Or over throw the world in a massive war in that the outcome is total annihilation bar the few.

    It would seem to let them die is the answer as this way you can maintain the rich man poor man scenario until its end.

    I think that it is all in vain anyway as the pros and cons are endless...

    Universal health care would have to run on neutral ground untouched by the dogs of war who is going to fund Africa and many others?..

    I think universal peace would be the first step.

  2. i kinda like the idea because we are the most powerful nation in the world but we are at the bottom of the list of our people having health insurance.  But i don't want to have a system like Canada where you have to wait 6 months for a broken foot to see a doc.  So i would like to see a system where it meets in the middle some how

  3. Simple facts.

    Despite spending more on healthcare than any other country in the world PER PERSON, the USA has one of the western worlds highest death rates for kids aged under five.

    The cons of universal healthcare are that the rich might have to pay more in taxes.  The pro's include a lower death rate for kids aged under five.

  4. If you want a glimpse of government run health care, just go down to your local VA hospital and talk with some Vets about how they like their government run health care system.

    I say fix that system first.. and once it's running properly we can expand it to all American citizens.

    If you can't get it right for just our military personal, how can you expect them to get it right for the rest of the population?

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