
What area do you want to see reformed in the USA today?

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  1. USA today used to be very good newspaper but reducing ads would definitely help.  hehehe.

  2. where to start?

  3. That is a good question. I wish the next president would ask that question and then act upon the feedback. I would like to see reform in the following:

    *medical insurance - socialize it

    *income tax - usage tax only

    *criminal justice - only violent criminals should spend time behind bars

    *welfare reform - scale it way, way down

    *labor reform - large corporations are so very crooked these days

  4. Taxation - ellimination of the Federal income tax and adjustments to the national budget to accommodate the 30% loss of revenue that this would cause.

    Foreign Policy - stop being the world police. With the loss of the Federal Income Tax revenue, the government would not be able to afford to wage war overseas or to finance all the black ops that it's been conducting.

    Adaptation of the electoral college - restoration of the electoral college to a universal rule set and ellimination of super-delegates. Replace caucuses with voting machines and roll back digital voting technologies in favor of analog tools.

    Labor Unions - make it illegal for the federal, state and local governments to employ union members. union dictated wages has resulted in astronomical property and sales taxes in many places making it impossible to live. there's no reason why someone who makes photocopies for a living should make $40,000 a year or why the guy who scrapes the dead animals off the road should make $75,000 a year.

    Complete overhaul of the Judicial system and prison system. The current system is actually the "punishment system". The prison system does nothing to reform prisoners and there is an extreme amount of corruption with guards and prison administration.

    Fire Departments - ellimination of volunteer fire departments and ambulance corps. This should be made illegal and should be replaced with paying positions.

    20% - 40% reduction in military budget including the integration of the army and the air force.

    Boost NASA's budget by 200% - 300%. the technology yielded by the space program defined the world we live in today. Every cent spent there will come back to us in the form of improved medicine, alternative fuel and materials science.

    Extreme tax incentives for all automakers for creating Green vehicles - cars that run on something other than gasoline.

    Across the board, I would push for the development of sustainable energy through tax incentives and heavy regulation. I would create a $10 billion prize for the team that creates and implements a long term zero emission zero landfill power system to replace all power plants and that can also be adapted for all new cars.

    Department of Homeland security would be shut down. This is a useless agency that cannot even secure it's own web site. The responsibilites of this department would ibe rolled up into the FBI and NSA.

    Replacement of every member of the Supreme Court and creation of a Constitutional Amendment that would make it an act of treason for any politician to enact law that erodes our civil liberty, suspends habeus corpus or infringes on our Freedoms and Rights as gaurenteed by the Billf of Rights and the Civil Rights Act. This includes during times of war.

    Pull all use troops serving overseas back home and hand all operations over to the United Nations. I would then lend all support to the United Nations serving as global government.

    Resource management would need to be completely revisited as well. 20 million americans went hungry in 2007. There's no reason for that.

    Utilization of existing landfill by reclaiming resources from all existing dumps and landfills through recycling and for the generation of electricity. Through the creation of an entire industry focusing on recycling and Green energy, job would be created - well paying jobs - with proceeds from taxation on this industry being used to offset energy costs for all Americans.

    Once developed, exportation of all green energy technologies, processes and procedures. This sort of thing should belong to the human race regardless of where people live.

    Termination of the embargo with Cuba and cooperationg with the Cuba government. Cuba has resources and cultural value that would be of tremendous value to the USA. We could learn a lot from Cuba and how the average Cuban deals with grass roots resource reclamation and how they function with exceptionally limited fuel supplies.

    Preservation of open space through claiming undeveloped land for the national park system. Demolition of defunct military bases which would then be privitized and developed for housing complexes such as condo's and the such.

    Triple the budget for research in nanotechnology and nano science and its application in medicine, the generation of energy, recycling and heavy industry.

    Reduction of government bail-outs of transportation industries such as airlines and rail including a complete restructuring of the FAA, flight paths and airport and security of these.

    Tighter integration and cooperation with the Canadian and Mexican governments for mutual interests in commerce, boarder control and industry.

    Disband the Federal Reserve and reclaim government control of the US Dollar.

    Restructuring of the media industry to a model that creates autonomy and removes special interest to cement in the freedom of the press.

    Work with the UN to create and implement a committee for complete unilateral nuclear disarmament including the shut down of nuclear power plants. The power of the atom is amazing but, the dangers are even more amazing.

    Complete restructuring of the CIA, FBI, NSA and Secret Service.

    Now, why?

    Because we need to protect the world we live in and right now, we are the most dangerous thing in this world. We are so misguided and so controlled and misinformed that it's a marvel that we've made it this far.

    People have had the habit of following and succumbing to the easy option as opposed to leading and facing responsibility.

    We need to grow stronger and we need to make better use of the resources at our disposal. The things we do are incredibly stupid and wasteful. The amount of money we could be making just by relying heavily on bio-diesel is dumbfounding.

    As our population continues to explode, we're going to need to create jobs and opportunity. We need to take steps for the long term preservation of our species and we need to raise the standard of living rather dramatically.

    By sharing and creating true allies and true international regulation, we can shift the center of power from Washington to the UN, hand over the responsibility that we've claimed since WW2 to an international governing body.

    If the UN had a standing army, we wouldnt need to invest money there. That's half our national budget. If each nation was a member state of the UN, we wouldnt have anyone left to fight.

  5. Immigration laws. They are too lax. I think, whatever nationality that the illegal immigrant is, then that american citizen of that nationality should pay extra taxes. I bet then, illegal immigration would drop real low, real fast.

  6. Health care!  There should be socialized health care so that people, no matter what the class, can have accesss to medical treatment.  Some people have to choose between health care and food, like we live in a third world country or something.  As progressive as America is, I am surprised that this has not happened already.  Yes there are cons to everything, but what is the alternative?  People dying because they cannot afford a simple medication.  Think John Q, think Sicko by Michael Moore.

  7. stop war-mongering.

    stop pretending to be a universal constable.

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