
What areas are use to determine yout GT score? I need to raise mine to a 110. I currently have a 105. Thanks?

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What areas are use to determine yout GT score? I need to raise mine to a 110. I currently have a 105. Thanks?




  1. First off, be careful what you ask for. I have seen people study hard for the ASVAB, pass with the higher score, get what they want, and then discover that they did not have the actual background for the chosen field.

    Each area on the ASVAB is attempting to test you over your current life time of experiences not just what you crammed for last night. Any score that you 'inflate' will come back to haunt you later.

    OK, with that said, math is a big thing. Work on it even if it is just a review. Algebra and geometry for those testy little puzzle questions where they show you and object and ask you what it must look like from the other side.

    Vocabulary areas are hard to study for on short notice but knowing the difference between one thing and another closely related thing is a good guideline for how well you can read, understand and apply text. It is very hard to be the best 'whatever' if you can not read.

    Speed and accuracy are being tested also. So practice on those little math (2 +2) questions. Speed is a great thing but all the speed in the world is of no effect if you arrive at the incorrect answer twice as fast as I arrive at the correct one.

    Put your finger on the right answer. Don't fall into the cunfusion problems where A, B, C and D are e, f, g and h. In other words, after going to all the work to FIND the correct answer, MARK the correct answer!

    The day of the test, get up early and eat a good breakfast and relax. Things do not go better with low blood sugar and nervousness. There are always a couple of extra percentage points in there for those who do.

    Some folks do not 'like' the field they get into but there may be opportunities to change after you get into the service. The thing is you must do your best in the field you are assigned. I had a case of a young lady who did not like electronics who passed at the head of her class and we bent over backwards to get her into her desired medical field. If she had 'failed' one school, believe me, she would not have gotten the opportunity to get into another one. She finally gotten smart (in my eyes, since she was so good in electonics) and combined both and is now working on medical electronics.

    If all else fails and you are stuck in a field you do not care for then make the most of it. Be the best at it and then get out and do it for a living while you use the GI bill to go to school in your desired field. Things go better if you are employable and have a steady job even if it is only part time.

    Anyway have fun!


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