
What art form has the most wannabees?

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With the growth of the internet it seems like there's so many people looking to become a professional artist of some form. I know these people have always been out there but their aspirations have become so much more accessible.

So what do you think is the most wanted artistic field? Visual artists, singers/musicians, actors, dancers? You can get more specific in regards to those options but what dream career in the arts has the most people fighting for limited spots?

Also what percentage of people going for this stuff do you think actually possess the talent, skill, and fortitude?





  1. This has to do with feeding vanity.  Everyone is guilty of this to some degree.

    But writing requires nothing more than being able to read and write and now that there are so many web sites 'publishing' they literally almost overnight, have spawned millions of would-be writers.

    Then there are the vanity presses.

  2. I see a lot of "posers" in graphic design, anime, painters trying to be Picasso or similar, and photography.

    In my field (design) it seems that many people with computers and a few programs assume that they can do the things a highly trained and skilled artist does with simply a few clicks and drags. Only this isn't really the case. There are reasons why something looks good and something looks like a hobbyist did it.

    The most wanted artistic field is probably animation or multimedia design.

    The percentage of people that actually possess raw talent from the outset (natural not learned) I'd say is less than 10%. That being said, good artists can be made. Desire and a willing spirit are a big component in the making of excellence. I have known many talented naturals over the years that have basically pissed away their god given talents. And I have seen others grown to great heights by sheer desire and willingness.

  3. All of the above. Some people call themselves the next Van Gogh. A lot of aspiring singers out there wanting to become big. Same with actors and actresses.

    But if I had to choose one, it would probably be acting. Some people see what the benefits of acting are and want that to happen to them. This includes acting in plays

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