
What ashould i include in my book report?

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for my summer hw, we had to read any book of our choice and write a one page report on it. the report can have anything about the book, but idk what to put. so far i think i should definitely include a summary of the story.

anyone know what else i can include? i'm not a very good writer, so nothing too difficult.

btw, i read Around The World in 80 Days and am going to the eigth grade.




  1. You should do this report yourSELF period the end no more answers! Get it got it GOOD

  2. are you from ma?? my brother has that same project...

    you could do a plot triangle (rising action, climax, falling action), a summary, a character list, and don't forget to include the author. good luck!

  3. Put in why you think it would have been fun to go on the trip with Phineas Fogg: both because of Fogg's personality (define in the essay) and the exciting and amusing places and things he saw.

  4. Well, one page isn't much, but I'd include the title, author, number of pages, summary (remember, you're PROVING you read the book in the summary), and your reaction (what did you think about the book and why--the why is the most important part of this section).

    Good luck!  and kudos to you for doing your summer homework!

  5. 1) Intro to the book-who it was by, when it was written, what genre it is and general plot.

    2) What you liked about it, what you thought could have been improved. What characters did you like and why? Did you relate to anyone?

    3) Who would you recommend the book to and why?

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