
What aspect of the AFL do you hate most?

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What aspect of the AFL do you hate most?




  1. how the game is becoming non contact and the ruff stuff is now

    push and shove

    and the collingwood factor

  2. Other than Chocco Williams and Warren Tredrea  ... the hand in the back rule (this fairy touch thing - even Lloyd's mark should have been disallowed by the letter of the law, which would be stupid) and obnoxious supporters (from all clubs - I reckon we all have them).  Oh then there's Jason Akermanis and the no banner rule at Telstra Dome.  And the no grog rule, and paying $5 for a warm plastic 5 ounce beer.  Oh yeah - what a shame they got rid of ticker tape and streamers.  I know it was a pain in the butt in the dying minutes of the GF wading through 4 metres of dunny paper but it did 'define' our game.

    But most of all I hate it when my team loses!

  3. The way that umpiring influences the result of many games.

  4. The stupid rules...

    This new interchange 1 has to be the top in the most stupid rules of AFL.

  5. I know the players seemed to have adjusted to it but I think the hands in the back rule that seems to get paid every few minutes is c**p.

    The backline isn't given much chance of spoiling a mark when the second they touch the arms or it looks like they've touched the back then they have a free kick paid against them.

    The funny thing is though I've lost count of the amount of times I've seen hands in the back or pushing etc down the other end of the ground and the umpires turn a blind eye to it, whereas if it was directly in front of the goal they'd be running around blowing their whistle in an instant.

    AFL is a mans game that is meant to be a contact sport.  If the rules keep getting changed, it's going to end up more like soccer turn it into a real skirt's game.  I couldn't think of anything worse.

  6. That no matter how well the non-eastern states teams are doing, it's still the VFL in disguise.  The only time a non-eastern states player gets the recognition they deserve, is when they move east.  Very few commentators can manage to swallow their prejudices and commentate fairly and nearly every aspect of the game is one-sided to the advantage of the east.  That the non-eastern states teams can rise above this and play good footy despite the prejudice, just shows true colours.

  7. nation comp

    interstate teams

    feral supporters

    and cold pies at the game

  8. Stupid umpires making false decisions

    Stupid coaches never ever smiling

    Andrew Dimetrou getting what he wants

  9. footy internet clones

  10. The soft free kicks,  in which it is making our great game a joke.

    Rule changes every year, it is the only sport I know that rules are changed frequently.

    The umpires.......Do they think they are BIGGER than the game?

    Andrew Dimitreo (spelling wrong). Thinks he is BIGGER than the game.

  11. The fact the AFL frequently add new rules but rarely rid the old useless rules eg. Time wasting at the either goal ends..

    (Useless due the to extra balls bein added now so kicking/hitting one into the crowd means nothing now, though they still call free kicks for it?!)

    Oh and the whole aspect of Akka really sh*ts me.. hee..

  12. The ugly Carlton team.

  13. you you shythead

  14. Aside from Adam Hunter

    Players kicking the ball backwards in the last few minutes of the quarter and the opposition not manning them up.

    Aside from that the game is perfect

  15. I hate the fact that players can drop the ball and not get pinned for it. Time and time again players do it and the umps stupidly go oh he must have handballed it down...Heres a tip if one of the players arms are being grabbed he cant handball it can he...

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