
What aspect of your life does the government control?

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What aspect of your life does the government control?




  1. I fear that they will soon control my right to bear arms.

  2. The truth is the level is equal to that which you allow government to have control. Social Security, income taxes, driver's licenses, car registration, marriage licenses, are not required of any American nationals, yet most have been duped into believing they are. Read your state constitution and you'll see all political power rests with the people. Government – city, county, state and so-called national are all corporate entities created by attorneys. Would you pay a traffic fine if you were ticketed by a cop from IBM or pay income taxes to General Motors? This is the truth and so few know it. If you live your life independent of government and ask no privileges from it, you will owe it nothing.

  3. What dont they have some control over? Big Brother is every where.

  4. 35 percent of my income. That's about it. The other influences are "political corrctness" which is optional.

  5. They control my income. As it is now we work from January to July to pay the taxes imposed by the state and federal government.

  6. You should rephrase the question. "What aspect of your life doesn't the government control?"

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