
What aspects of technology do you wish were never invented? Why?

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What aspects of technology do you wish were never invented? Why?




  1. Text messaging and sometimes email.  

    I have friends that, if I call them on their cell phone they won't answer, but if I text them they will ALWAYS hit me right back.

    Sometimes I just want to talk...ya know?

  2. All of them. We've lost all our primitive roots. Well, really just TV and Internet, and of course cell phones. They've given us excuses for actually seeing someone.

  3. while I would like to take away people's ability to communicate instantly in so many ways thus making them more self-reliant, I don't want to lose my cable TV so it's kinda a catch-22 in the end.

  4. Any technology that uses oil.

    The automobile has spawned the suburbs and has paved our land and torn apart communities.

    Most plastic goes straight to a landfill where it will lay for a period of time exceeding human history.

    Television is another baddie, but I feel it can be a good thing.  It's way overdone now, but that's the peoples' fault.

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