
What asre techniques supermarkets use to encourage shoppers to maximise their spending?

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  1. They put branded higher priced items at eye level and cheaper/not so popular brands on the top or bottom shelves. Supermarkets also put staple items (milk, meat, bread, produce) around the perimeter of the store so you have to pass items you don't need (and make a impulse purchases) before you leave the store.

    They also use discount cards to save you money, but really they're tracking your purchases. Buyers who fit their ideal consumer will receive email coupons to encourage spending.

    When our local grocery chain instituted the cards, they raised ALL the prices at least 20% and their new "sale" prices were the regular prices before the price increase.

  2. They have offers like 3 pizzas for $10, or 4 for $5.00 for an item. They price in multiple numbers of a product, instead of the price for just one of an item. This pricing strategy is also good to obscure price increases.

  3. Aromas from the bakery section, and from rotisserie chicken cooking, etc., (makes you hungry, hence you purchase more food), soothing, upbeat music makes you tend to not rush your shopping - the more time you spend in the store, the more you buy.....Using endcap displays to move merchandise (high visibility)

  4. Have you ever noticed where the milk is?  Does it ever seem that the aisles have all changed?  Ever gone to the grocery store on a saturday and not tried a sample?

      The longer you stay in the store, the more you will buy.  It's not expensive for them to add more cashiers, but the longer you stand in line, the more time you have to look at the candy, gum, and mints!

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