
What associations spring to mind when you hear these words?

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(inspired by mutterhals's question)

Man-hating disguised as "seeking equality".

Suppression of the rights for men & boys.

Female supremacy.







  1. Ignorance.

    (the close runner-up: intolerance)

  2. health class.

  3. Angry men who don't understand what feminism actually is?

  4. Misogyny, ignorance and willfull stupidity.

  5. I'd have to say female insects like ants or the praying mantis or those spiders.

    PS: The men die with these insects.  Females eat their braiinsss!

  6. I think: Another woman hating man trying to excuse his pathological hatred of women who would like to be treated as equals. (Seeing as you ask.) I don't think this is the majority of men btw.

    These accusations could be leveled against a few feminists, but by no means the majority. And if you've read the CEA you'll note they want equality for "men and women" and race. (oh, but I'm sure it's a huge cover up for some sinister take over...)

  7. Just one word.

    Care to guess what it is.

    You already know the answer.


    Just like woman hating

    Suppression of rights for females

    Male supprememacy




    Bigotry are masculism.

    Same thing just a different group.

  8. Oprah Winfrey

  9. Man-hating disguised as "seeking equality"- Not all feminists hate men.

    Suppression of the rights for men & boys-Men and boys should have rights.

    Female supremacy.- No gender is more superior then the other.

    Sexism.-Hate it, against women and men.

    Chauvinism.-Same as sexism.

    Bigotry.- Not sure what that means.

  10. National Organization of Women

    They have a well known track record for every one of your bullet points.

    Feminist blogs are also guilty of all or your points.

    ...Then I guess the rest of their feminist "sisters" might just as well be tossed in as they don't care a whit about all of the actions from the "others."

  11. Women with very low self-esteem issues.

  12. Paranoia!



    All these terms relate to you!

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