
What attitudes wind you up the most in other people?

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1. Poor me (drama queen)

2. Apathy (not really concerned about things you feel are important)

3. Other.... (add)

I'm not sure which one windes me up the most... they're both equally annoying!




  1. Disrespect and impoliteness

  2. People who think I care what they think.

  3. Most definitely people who are arrogant and egotistical. Modesty is so much more attractive!!

  4. Arrogance

  5. Any kind of baseless negativity.

  6. Either Arrogance or Pity Me


  7. 1. Lack of respect shown by most people these days, for everything.

    ie; other peoples properties, animals, feelings etc..etc..

    2. Materialistic people.

    3. Living in a 'throw away society'  Manufacturers don't make things to last, so no-one cares for personal belongings.

    4.I agree with you on  drama queens.

  8. No 1 - Arrogance.

    No 2 - Being judgemental

    No 3 - Money grabbers who are as shallow as a puddle! Are care far too much about showing off what they have.  

  9. Avid kinkiness

  10. Yep drama queen annoys me too.  I hate that smug, know all patronising attitude as well.  You get a lot of that on here.

    Also rudeness gets my goat as well

  11. In a work environment it's a tie between Drama Queen and Prima Donna.

    In normal life I dislike bad manners and arrogance. And not forgetting the Know-it--alls!!!

  12. I get sooo wound up by the "They are coming over here and stealing all our jobs" brigade.  You get some ned or nedette, who left school at 16 with no qualifications, and no desire to find a job, sitting complaining that a lot of the doctors in the local hospital are foreign, and stopping British people getting the jobs! Do they seriously believe that if that person had not come over and taken the job that they would be ion with a chance???? God it gets my goat!!!

  13. Being unaccepting of peoples differences in appearance/religion/moral beliefs etc. I can't stand people who think they're right and nothing else matters.

  14. Apathy is pretty annoying, but mainly I DETEST people who are completely oblivious to those around them. People on public transport with their newspapers wide open, whilst on a PACKED rush hour tube or those on buses who bunch up by the exit doors with massive bags or rucksacks that take up space and bash people in the face . And those ignorant pigs who WILL NOT move down the bus to let others on.

    Ignorance and indifference - both p*ss me off.

  15. h**l everybody full stop winds me up i must be a clock.

  16. lazyness

  17. Ignorance and greed annoy me the most...

  18. religious





  19. 3a. Other. People who sit on the fence and make a virtue of it. The Liberal Democrats' insistence on a third UN Security Council Resolution in the run-up to the second Gulf War was dishonest, because they knew that there would never be one. They pretended to back something they were not in favour of.

    b."Why don't we invade Zimbabwe? We did it in Iraq." If you were not in favour of the Iraq War, you should not advocate the same in another country. You cannot criticise people for not doing something you disapprove of.

    c. The Government promising to double "good" things and halve "bad" things.

    d. Politicians saying (through gritted teeth) "with all due respect". Means the opposite.

    e. Politicians saying "I'm surprised to find myself in agreement with so-and-so". Either so-and-so is talking sense, then there is no disagreement, or if they disagree, they should say so. It creates an artificial antagonism, when we all know that they happily have a drink together at one of the Houses of Parliament's many bars.

    f. A Church of England Bishop said that we need to develop a "new vocabulary" to discuss this issue. Does that mean that the issue cannot be addressed while this "new vocabulary" is being devised? It does. Who is in charge of developing this language that no-one will understand at the end of it? No-one.

    g. The call for "role models", so that issues like knife crime can be dealt with. Nothing can happen until this wonderful person makes himself known.

  20. Aloof thinking self assigned important people who are all self consuming, self absorbed and on a a higher level than the rest of mankind without concern for anyone other than themselves.. Then the whiny brat adults who cry, p**s and moan about their poor plight in life and how they're so mistreated.  Then the "you owe me something for nothing" crowd. Then the money grabbers always chasing a dollar and there is never enough crew. All of the phony's.

  21. I'll see your 'poor me' and apathy and raise you:

    *Wilful ignorance


    *Expectation of rights with no thought of responsibility

  22. People who are happy to be ignorant annoy me.

  23. Negativity

    Me me me syndrome.  

  24. Depends.

    Sometimes everyone and everything gets on me wick.

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