
What attracts you to girls?

by  |  earlier

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boys what is it?

their laugh?

their smile?





and is it a total turn off if the girl snorts when she laughs, is a very random not shy spastic person?

but she also has a heart and can settle down?

but yeah what attracts you to girls?

and do you like girls with makeup and all that sort of stuff?




  1. i love a girls smile, a happy girl is one of the best things ever. a girl that has her own passions so she doesnt always have to ring you and ask what is going on and spend time with you

    personality is a must, but personally, i do like legs

    being young i like a girl that doesnt want to take things to serious and i dont mind makeup but not all the time

  2. in order

    eyes. personality. smile. body.

    i remember my gf was shy at first. i knew she was very shy and had problems talking about certain things. but i love that she opens up to me. i like that a lot.

    im not into that makeup girl. but i livr it when her eyeliner is perfect. i mean it is always great but sometimes she does this thing that makes me love her eyes even more

    but i yet have to hear my girl snort. i dont think it would be a turn off though. lol

  3. combination of all above

  4. well i would have to say that I like my girl to be honest, to know when to be straight forward and when to sugar coat things for me, I like my girl to not have been with a lot of guys, I want my girl to be caring and sweet, physically wise i like my girl not too skinny and not to fat, chunky is good, not anorexic either, her eyes have to have that distinct spark in them, no matter what the color might be, my girl got  a beautiful rack so I'm good with her on that, and for me is not a turn off when a girl snorts when she laughs, i want my girl to be smart and definitely a heart that can settle and love me the way I love her, and not too much make up, what attracts me in a girl is the cuteness in them and their personality, not much for their body.

  5. My #1 thing is a big fat round booty :)

  6. Combination of all and none of the above lol. Someone with a sense of humour and a sense of self is always good. I like independent women, so if I get the impression that she doesn't need me, but would like to spend time with me. That presses my buttons. Everyone is different. Someone that wants to settle down straight away, scares the h**l out of most blokes.

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