
What attracts you to someone and whats your starsign?

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  1. im attracted to people that have like a open mind and are free and fun-spirited and i can talk to not only as a partner but as like a best friend type and im a virgo = D

  2. I am attracted to people who are not afraid to think for themselves and someone who makes me think about something that I've never thought about before.

    My sign: Gemini.

  3. a little bit of everything all adds up to attraction.

  4. I'm Sagittarius...and I am attracted to people who can think deeply...not your average thinker...I also am attracted to people you about stuff that really, how can I help this person, what are their needs, are they really ok or just saying they are, do they need food, gas and people who are trustworthy and loyal.

  5. im a virgo and im definitly attracted to virgos

  6. im usually attratcted to someone who has a great sense of humour, i like smart but not nerdy guys...someone who is open-minded and adventurous....independent and has his own convictions....

  7. great personality, and someone that make me laugh.

    im a capricorn......:D

  8. What attracts me to someone? Is their intellect, their mind, and how spiritually open I can really be with them. How much fun I have and how much laughter we can offer each other. Ohh their smile.

    Sun/ Virgo



  9. I am attract to intelligent ; spiritual ; caring and family oriented people . I am a Libra

  10. emotionally strong people. someone that won't let me walk all over them which i tend to do. smart. have a sense of humor but also can be very serious and have serious discussions.

    I'm a scorpio

  11. People that are physically good looking.Good personalities.Cute.Full of charisma.Make me laugh.Laugh a lot.Strong.Independent.Sagittarius ;D . Manly. Smart. Famous... :S ~

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