
What baby bells and whistles did you make do without?

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We live in cramped quarters, and due to lack of space, I've opted to forego certain baby items such as exersaucers, large toys, play mats, johnny jumpers, gigantic highchairs the size of a La-Z-Boy...

But, I had some of that stuff with my first baby, and I must admit that while those items are not necessary, they did make life a tad easier at times.

Has anyone else refrained from buying all those things? Is there one item you wish you had, or one you realized was a must-have?

He seems to be getting bored with everything, and I am running out of ways to occupy him while I get my oldest ready for school, etc....

So, yeah. I guess that's my question.




  1. I honestly have to say I could NOT have survived without an exersaucer/walker or a baby swing! lol All of my kids LOVED those things! have you thought about one of those stabilized jumperoos? It can double as a an exersaucer and a johnny bounce up.  I understand the cramped space, but I would shop around, and try to find one multipurpose item that will keep him entertained for a bit. GL! =)

  2. Well the latest thing and I know this sounds so cheap, but they seem to really like water bottles. So I put a couple of beads in an empty bottle, sealed the top. They love the sound that makes. Keeps them busy for a little while, till they move on to something else.

  3. I never had an exersaucer, but the Johnny Jumper was something both of my children LOVED.

  4. LOL @ "Make do."

    They make ther own do~

    All that junk is junk, waste of space.

    They'd rather play in a cardboard box and sleep on your lap.

  5. We had or have everything but we have in laws and parents that want him to have it all and we have a huge home so needless to say our home looks like the only one that lives here is our baby.

    He really liked the jumperoo but he only used it for a few months, since he was already almost 23 lbs at 7 months we had to get rid of it because he looked like he was going to break it :)  He's 8 months now..

    He likes the saucer because it's one of the circus ones with all the toys around it and makes tons of sounds and such and then we have all these random toys and my in laws got us the Fisher price rain forest highchair with the cool toys and such and it's sooo cool and he LOVES it..

    I do think he loves the laZboy more then daddy :)

    Well so I guess we couldn't live without all the baby stuff but baby and I are just spoiled...

  6. We've done without pretty much everything in our small apartment.  My boy's toys fit in one basket that fits under his crib.  He has a couple rattles, a good number of books, a set of plastic rings, and a couple other small items.  Mostly, he enjoys playing with his burp cloths (weird, I know), his feet, my hands, and pretty much anything that hangs.  I'll hang a spoon off a piece of string and it'll entertain him forever.  He really likes to play with our dog, too, and look in a mirror I set up on the floor.

    But I will have to say that sometimes I think he gets bored, but usually a change of position or place, something new to look at or hold on to, will help with that.

    Things I wouldn't do without: a Boppy pillow for nursing.  A small booster seat for feeding.  Both a baby carrier like the Ergo or Bjorn AND a wrap (I have the Moby wrap) - just being close to me is entertainment enough for my son.  And a great jogging stroller.

    How old is your boy?

    My thoughts on the subject are that a lot of those entertainment items are just that: entertainment.  Kids really do need to learn to be interested in what's around them, rather than constantly being stimulated by lights and music.  I think you're doing the right thing!

  7. Well, I have to say I have a couple of the things you listed-Jumperoo and playmat and Aaron is not as thrilled as he used to be with those now.  I have to say your babies(babbes) boredom is probably more a function of his age than his environment.  "Real" things are more interesting than actual toys at this age.  I would put Corey in a sling and just let him come along for the ride in the morning.  He will probably get more stimulation from being a part of the action than being strapped in some infant torture device.  Just a thought.  And no, I don't think they are torture devices, but some of them kinds look that way.

  8. I wish we would have skipped some of the items, since we live in a small apartment while house hunting. I would have never skipped the swing though (lifesaver) The bumbo, while not big, was a waste of space. Same with our vibrating chair/bouncer...she just didn't care for it. But I know some babies do. We bought a small activity center, which was nice. She liked it just the same as the gigantic ones. Foldable toy mats, a must. The large toys, we have a few, and she doesn't care for them I wish we could toss those and get our living room back. Lets be honest, this little girl looks like she lives in every room of the apartment.  

  9. i never had a johnny jumpers cause i never had doors that could hold it. exersaucers you really don't need but nice to have. if you don't have room for a high chair get some thing like ether of these two. or something like this when they get a little bit bigger. i hope this helps. i know u don't have much room but this looks a little bit smaller then the others maybe try this. i could not live with out a seat like this

    maybe if you have a play pen try to get some of this and make her play pen into a ball pit. my daughter who is 2 years old still loves playing in her play pen with the balls. good luck

  10. I used one of the "portable highchairs" that are supposed to be strapped to a regular chair and just put it on the ground.  But even that wasn't really needed it just helped contain the mess a big.

    Jolly jumpers don't take up any space if you get the one that hangs in the door.  It can be useful to buy time for a shower.

    Instead of a playmat you can use a blanket or your bed

    Honestly most of the junk I could have done without, and I use less with my second because my toddler can amuse him plus the toddler makes certain things unsafe (like the highchair the toddler climbs up or the jolly jumper my toddler swings).

    You can use rubbermaids as small playpens for the younger baby, they also make baby chairs and baby baths.  The stop dogs from knocking the baby over, etc.

    If your baby is 4 months or so a jolly jumper might be a reasonable investment if you are having trouble keeping the baby busy while you need to do things.

    (Oh and my #1 secret -pacifier strings.  None of my kids use pacifiers BUT those neat little strings can attach toys to strollers, baby, etc.)

  11. your child soes not need a lot of toys one thing at 1 time is enough.

  12. We could not have lived without and still can't imagine living without the rainforst jumparoo thingy...such a life's bulky, but it's sooo worth it! Also...we love his's the only way I get lots of house hold stuff done...he just follows me around everywhere and we bought one that folds down so we can slide it under or beside other furniture...I wish we'd gone with the booster chair instead of the big high chair...that thing takes up soooo much room!!!!!!!!!!

  13. They do have jumpers that fold up for storage or to take along with you and booster high chairs that fit on your regular chairs.

    We have 1000sq ft of space and only one I'm kinda feeling cramped quarters. I just fold up Jacob's play mats and hide them under the pack and play when not in use (granted they are both very small mats, not the huge jungle gym ones...) Once he out grows the swing that will go to my dad's for storage and my cousin will bring over the Jumeroo. We just make do with the space we have and try to only buy things that we know will work with us instead of us working with it.  

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