
What bad habits have you given up? ?

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What bad habits have you given up? ?




  1. Smoking - 20 yrs ago.

  2. chewin my nails off lol

  3. Constantly blinking my eyes.

  4. when i found out i was pregnant with my 1st son i gave up smoking and its the best thing i ever done.....thanks son  

  5. I've given up smoking and i don't know whether i can do it but trying to stop shouting

  6. I haven't given up many because I can't find any to replace them that won't have me in the dock--or expelled from uni.

  7. smoking, overeating and self criticism, my halo is choking

  8. my ex lol

  9. I gave up smoking three years ago.

  10. Smoking, Drugs and biting my nails...

  11. Kicking things with my bad leg when i get angry lol

  12. Smoking weed and eating sugar or anything that contains sugar,exept for fruits.

  13. smoking

  14. I gave up drinking my bathwater

  15. Smoking!

    I hated the smell and it irritated my skin. Good riddance!

  16. Smoking, binge eating (I used to be 4stones/56lbs overweight) and nail biting.

  17. smoking but restarted so for now i gave up giving up lol

  18. I gave up badger baiting once, it was hard at first until i found a new hobby.

    Now I go cockfighting every tuesday and dog fighting on saturday once a fortnight.

  19. Biting my nails  

  20. Sucking my thumb...I was 8 when I finally gave that up.  I've spent the past 15 years acquiring new bad habits - smoking, drinking, swearing...

    I gave up eating lots of junk food...granted I still eat junk in moderation so it's not really "giving up" per say.

  21. work

  22. Smoking and biting my nails

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