
What bad karma will Sharon Stone get for dissing a billion people when they are suffering from an earthquake?

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Sharon Stone said she thought the earthquake was bad karma as a result of China's treatment of Tibet, she just doesn't like it when people "are unkind to each other." The sensitive lady didn't seem to mind rubbing salt in the wound for a country that has 75000 people dead in an earthquake and millions of people homeless and in danger because of it. What do you think HER bad karma will be?




  1. I  am embarrassed by this low intelligence idiot Sharon Stone .

    Any Chinese people reading should not think many people in the west are so stupid and cruel

    I don't believe in "bad karma" and Tibet is a separate issue

    We are horrified by the pictures and we support the really excellent way in which China is dealing with this massive disaster.

  2. maybe she needs some money for her skin-tightening and anti-wrinkles sugery?

    old actresses always try all means to get attention.


  3. I think anyone who would say anything bad about this devastating earthquake is just not worthwhile.We have had many kinds of bad natural events but I can not even began to imagine that many people dead and missing from one event .And the awful suffering of the survivors.It does not matter what we think of China's government those are human beings and they never asked for such a calamity to befall them.We should pray daily nothing on that scale ever happens again anywhere.

  4. Her movie career will fail.  Oh, wait, that already happened.  

    But seriously, I am getting sick seeing so many posts in support of her by people who think that the Chinese government=the Chinese people.  China is run by a Communist government, the general population does what the government says or they die or go to prison.  It's not like they have a choice other than to support the government's opinions.

  5. The Chinese said they will boycott her movies, but does she even make movies any more?   :)  I'm surprised anyone cares what some bubble-headed, self-centered, has-been of an actress thinks about anything.

  6. No producer would dare use her now. China's major film companies just dropped all of her films, and her banners and posters have ALL been taken down.

    She also showed us her stupidity and arrogance. Does the woman know what causes an earthquake!? From what I know... they don't just happen out of nowhere.

  7. Good for Sharon Stone.   China has been treating it's citizens like garbage.   It's not  to blame for the earthquake OBVIOUSLY, but it is to blame for the shoddy construction used in the collapsed buildings (construction techniques that were not a problem in buildings inhabited by wealthy and elite Chinese citizens).   And, yes they do treat Tibet citizens like garbage as well.      Their policies (or failed policies) extend to their exported products as well.    Producing toys with lead paint and tainted food and pet food.     Complete ignorance of international copyright and patent laws.  

    The Chinese government deserves to be chastised.

  8. Why anyone would be surprised at the nonsense that comes out of celebrities mouth is beyond me.  These people do not live in the real world. Do not have an original thought and can only repeat what is in a script.  She has got to be the most none talented person to appear on the big screen.

  9. Answer is none - she never said it was a good thing... and she did cause it to happen and she did not profit or benefit in anyway.

    And it is over 80,000 people

  10. Her b***s will sag, wrinkles in her face, hips look like Big Birds, -------------oops, I just described Hillary

  11. The previous user "mark" also needs to understand the history of china before making any stupid comment like stupid old ugly Sharon did. US economy sucks and most company can't afford to pay their own stupids workers to manufacture the toys in here so outsourcing comes but do you know how low they pay for chinese workers to do those jobs? What you paid is what you gonna get so the poor control of lead is also part of the reason US toys companies didn't pay enough for them to better manage that. Do you expect a lexus quality from a hyundai or kia?? Come on mark, americans first screwed up the whole economy and figure out a cheap way to make the same products with cheap quality and now people are blaming China for that?? Even Ford (Made in US) who hire high paid top engineers still making the lousy cars today, who should they blame? 1.3 Billion people can easily kick americans *** but most american never figure that out and "still" think USA is the #1 in the world in every single aspect...if so then please don't buy stuff made in china, japan, taiwan....see if you can survive...By the way, even if you are driving a Ford, 40% of the electronics comp are made from Korea and japan so if you rely on "only" american then Ford would have stop their production line 10 years ago waiting for the genious with high paid to come out with their good design....

    If you agree with what Sharon said then I'm assuming that you also agree that the storm/tornado tragedy happened in florida, northeast region is a bad karma as a results of US's treatment of Iraq, Vietnam, and Red Indian???

  12. It is okay.  She will probably die from depression and drug overdose one day.

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