
What bad thing is suppose to happen in 2012?

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What bad thing is suppose to happen in 2012?




  1. london will host the summer olympics. what's so bad about that?

  2. A number of beautiful and enlightening events like the end of the world..........since they got that one wrong in 2000, 2001 and so on why not try again and see how many people will freak out.

  3. 60 times a day this retarded question read my question

    look at the documents and youtube if you want to feed your mind but read my answer i got about calenders it would help you understand and stop worry about your precious life

  4. According to the Mayan legends that is when the next apocalypse is supposed to happen. But don't worry, the Mayan's were rulers who kept their power by fear and anyway a lot of apocalypses were supposed to happen throughout the years, 1999, 6,6,06 and even last march the world was supposed to end. Are you dead yet? on this website there is a list of all the prophasized apocolypses. Don't worry, none of them have happened ;)

  5. According to the Mayan calender .... the world is supposed to end.

  6. The US is going to lose the 400 meter relay in the Olympics, by 0.173 seconds to the Brazil team.  People in track and field will call it "the end of the world!"  Of course, the Brazilians say this was predicted by the Mayan Indians.

  7. All sorts of stuff. Just like it happened many times before, right?

  8. Quetzaquatl is supposed to come back. He seems like the kind of god we need to be on the good side of, so we should all start practicing human sacrifices to applease him.

  9. It is the end of the Mayan calendar and there are supposed to be planetary alignments.  There is no rational reason to believe in prophesy or that planetary alignments can affect events on Earth. It is silly to accept the notion that anyone could or ever has seen the future.

  10. Well if I worked for Yahoo it would be a bad day, because 90% of this QA group would not have anything to ask.


  12. People will have to pay their income taxes for 2011.

  13. Do not worry.  Do not be scared.  I assure you that the world will not end on 2012 December 21 but it will end one day.  Nostradamus’ prediction of when the earth will end is far into the future, past about 3700.  He still has many prophecies that are not fulfilled yet.  Remember that if there is a beginning, there is an end.  

    The Mayan’s Mesoamerican Long Count calendar forms the basis for a New Age belief, first forecast by Jose Arguelles, that a cataclysm will take place on or about 2012 December 21 (Wikipedia).  It will be the end of a Mayan calendar cycle to start a new cycle.

    In the book of Revelation, it tells us about a period of a thousand years of peace. Has this occurred already since the time of Jesus? Not yet. That will still come. Those that give predictions of the world’s end, such as 2012 and numerous times during the past, are pseudo-preachers. Have they talked to God directly? If so, give proofs.

    But there is something that is certain—and that is our physical death. This is what we should prepare for. It may come when least expected. We do not know the day and the hour. It will come like a thief in the night. So we just have to be prepared all the time. Search for the true God and when we find Him, follow His commandments and remain in Him until our last dying breath.

    This is all that we have to do. It is faith in the true God that we can take with us when we depart from this world. If we denied Him, He will deny us also before the Father in Heaven and send us to h**l. This is very scary – to live in h**l forever.  If we knew Him and loved Him and followed His commandments, then He may reward us to live with Him eternally in His kingdom in Heaven. This is the survival kit that we should have.

    What is also certain to happen very soon (in about 2012 or earlier) is World War III and this is a nuclear war.  This calamitous war will start from the Philippines, at Spratly Islands in particular.  The Spratly Islands lie on the South China Sea mostly near the coast of the Philippines.  The Holy Spirit told us that the troubles in the Philippines is like the wick of a lamp.  Once the wick is lit, it will be on and aglow.  He told us about this prophecy more than a decade ago.  Please read what is happening in the Philippines now.  Spratly Islands which is being claimed wholly or partly by six countries including China is in the news and considered a tinderbox, a flash point.  It is very rich in oil and gas resources, more than the reserve of Kuwait.  The high price of oil may trigger the grabbing of these islands and start the war.

    Four independent prophecies point to the certainty that this will happen.  These are Nostradamus’ prophecies to happen around this time (quatrains 6:24 and 2:62) , the 56th Chinese prophecy of Tuey Bei Tu (the past 55 prophecies have already been fulfilled), Revelation 9:18 of the Holy Bible, and those that the Holy Spirit revealed to us.  If you are interested in the details about these prophecies, please send me your request via email.

  14. I think a meteor is meant to pass by earth.

  15. The Myan calendar ends in 2012, so supposedly the world will end.

  16. They took all of the religions and they all said Earth's supposed to end in 2012. But no one can predict the future.

  17. tons of idiotic ideas that make no scientific sense whatsover, and are shamelessly endorsed by the history channel.

    The short answer to your question is no. the world is not going to end in 2012. There is no scientific proof, or evidence for that matter. People think that the world is going to end because that’s when the mayan calendar ends. If this is why the world is going to end then we might as well say that the world is going to end on December 31 2009 because no calendars have been printed for 2010 yet. Its an absurd idea that has been shamelessly endorsed by yahoo, google, the news media, and even the history channel.

    that’s the short answer. Here’s the long one:

    There are a couple theories on how the world will supposedly end in 2012. I will give you examples, and shoot the ideas down for you.

    The most popular idea is that planet x, is going to come to the earth and block the sunlight. First of all, it is not “the planet x” it’s “a planet x”. planet x is a generalized term that caught on a couple hundred years ago that was used to describe unknown planets of our solar system. Neptune was once a planet x. astronomers calculated that the orbital period of Uranus was affected by another object, probably a planet, that was beyond Uranus. They calculated the orbital period of this planet x, and found where it would be at a specific time. They saw the planet, and it was no longer considered planet x. it got its name- Neptune. Scientists miscalculated the orbital period of Neptune being affected by another planet, but by chance their miscalculations revealed Pluto. This icy world was also considered planet x, and was first seen in 1930. It was considered a planet until 2006 when it was demoted to a dwarf planet, and now a plutoid. Sedna, quaour, eris, and ceris were all considered planet x’s, and were eventually classified as plutoids.

    Now that you know the true definition of a planet x, lets talk about the scientific improbabilities of a planet x that is going to travel all the way to the earth. First of all, I have gone to college, and received a PhD in astronomy and astrophysics and I have never heard of nibiru. According to recent data, there may be another planet larger than earth lying in the kupiter belt. this planet would have to be more than 5 light years away. So if it were to suddenly travel at light speed, the fastest possible speed an object can achieve, it would take the planet 5 years to get here. 2012 is less than 4 years away. Besides the mathematic problems, there are scientific problems too. First of all, there is no force that would make the planet travel at light speed. Second, it would have to get through the beatings of countless asteroids, and the gravitational pull of the four gas giants of the outer solar system - Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, and Jupiter. I wouldn’t be surprised if it became a moon of one of those planets on its way. Anyway, if it did get through the gas giants, it has to get through another asteroid belt, as well as mars. It will most likely be shot into outer space, or into the sun where it will burn up. If it did manage, by some miracle, to get in front of the earth, it would be in a different gravitational shell. It would be closer, which means it will orbit the sun faster than the earth, therefore it will move away from us. So that’s not going to happen.

    Another theory is about the asteroid. Its going to hit earth or whatever. Here’s why it won’t work: the asteroid has to take the same path to get to the earth as planet x, but it is even smaller, and will take more of a beating. If it got through everything, it would just crash into our moon probably. If it did come to earth, the atmosphere would burn it up so much that there would probably be nothing left for it to hit earth.

    All other theories are just as absurd. Nothing is going to happen in 2012, except for the same things that could happen any other year.

  18. i will be eligible for a bus pass!

  19. the world is supposed to end because of the mayan calendar yaaaaaa i don't belive it   :P

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