
What bad things did george bush do for the people...?

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What bad things did george bush do for the people...?




  1. Bush has done nothing bad, he has only protected the U.S.


    Liberals and terrorists agree:

    Both hate Bush- see as evil

    Both want US out of Iraq

    Both see GOP as the enemy

    Both see Christianity as a threat

    Both think the USA needs to stand down its military

    Both want a Dem victory

    Both hate Israel (code name- Zionism)

    Both support Hezbollah

    Both hate Patriot Act

    Both against the Warrantless Wiretaps

    Both believe US is an imperial power doing evil in world

    Both want Gitmo to close

    Both see Abu Gharb as a holocaust- while the Jewish one never happened.

    * Both play to the media

    * Both say that Bush lied

    * Both see Iraq War as illegitimate;

    * Both agree that cause of war is blood for oil

    * Both see corporate America as evil

    * Both believe America had 9-11 coming

  2. he got us into a war he can't win.

  3. borrowing one million dollars a week from China to fund the war in Iraq,

    not protecting america, his ignorance of the health care system,

    his sitting there in total shock not doing a thing on 9-11 for like 30 minutes, ignoring the war on drugs, violence and immigration,

    his lack of respect towards the katrina victims, his total refusal to

    step in and be a good a leader, the money he uses to keep his mistresses quiet. Finally, his rude display of parenting when his own daughters were in trouble with the law,

  4. Only history can answer your question.  Any answer that you get off Y/A now including mine would be biased .

  5. Among other things he has turned allied nations against us. Embarrassed us with his lack of intelligence. Clinton had rid us of the national debt, which has skyrocketed during the Bush years. Our schools are producing below average students because of the ridiculous "No child left behind" program. Senior citizens can't afford health care and have to decide whether to buy their meds or food. . .


  7. I think it is his going to Iraq for the wrong reasons.  My personal belief is that it was not based on intelligence, but Bush Jr's belief that Saddam had tried to assasinate his father.  I have no proof of this.

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