
What band was J.F.K. opening for when he gave his "I am a Berliner" speach?

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J.F.K. got a crowd of 40,OO Obama got 200,000

Obama had cooler bands, so who was J.F.K. opening for?




  1. Good question -

    JFK wanted to say - "I am a Berliner"

    but he goofed and said

    "I am a jelly donut"


    maybe they were hoping OBama would be a pretzel

  2. ~Actually, "Ich bin ein Berliner" is a perfectly appropriate statement.  Urban legend has created the myth that Kennedy called himself a donut.  Sorry, folks, it simply ain't so.  By the same token, Mama Cass did Kosher.  Do you really believe she choked to death on a HAM sandwich?  Such is the stuff of which ignorant legends are made.

    In any case, after Kennedy's speech there was a concert.  The band that followed Kennedy's speech (the first band in the pecking order was the one with the least recognition at the time - they basically played while people left after Kennedy's speech) was an English group brought up from Hamburg for the event.  Terry Sheridan's regular crew couldn't make the trip so he brought some guys who were playing relief for his act at his regular gig.  They were called "The Beatles" (Pete and Stu were still with them then, but Ringo was still with Rory Storm and the Hurricanes, with Eric Clapton and Keith Richard).  They played "My Bonnie".  Klaus Voorman, still trying to join either the Beatles or Terry Sheridan, was in attendance.  He taped it and sent the bootleg tape to Polydor records, who produced and distributed it.  Copies of the Polydor "My Bonnie" by Terry Sheridan with the Beatles have sold for as much as $1.3 million.  Yoko paid $872,550 for a copy at a Sotheby's auction in 1993.

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