
What bandwagoners have you missed after not seeing them since last Wednesday?

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I noticed a lot less people on the hockey section, of course because of the red Wings winning the Stanley Cup. Congratulations to Wings fans by the way. So what bandwagoners have you missed since then?




  1. None. Bandwagoners should be shot for their arrogance mixed with ignorance.

  2. I miss all the bandwagoners!

    being a life-long redwing's fan... it's always fun to point out how badly the wings are going to win...

    i think the team that has the least amount of bandwagoners on here are the predators.

    when we faced the preds, people didn't come on here and say how badly the wings were going to lose..

    then came the avalanche... ha! that was a good one... i remember all of the bandwagoners of the avs spouting off how badly the wings were going to lose to them.

    avs fans seemed like the most educated-in-hockey fans... they seemed to know what they were talking about a little more than other bandwagoners.


    the dallas fans... and... once again... goodbye!

    the dallas bandwagoners seemed to only like the stars because they were from texas... their pride in their state was nice... but they still lost...and they still went away right after turco and his stars were eliminated.

    and... the pens fans...

    to me, the pens bandwagoners weren't so much fans of the team, but fans of sidney crosby... they were the 14 year old girls who just thought that sidney had 'beautiful eyes'... or 'looked good in his stache'... and now  they're gone too.

    i'm not speaking of real fans of any of these teams here... i'm just speaking of their bandwagoners.

    and i can say too that the detroit bandwagoners who aren't real fans are just as bad as the bandwagners of other teams.

    is it october yet?

  3. All the "classy" Wings bandwagoners. Oops, I see some are still around taking the p**s with the Pens.

  4. .....You kidding me?

    I've been wanting all of these bandwagoners go away.

    Notice how there's only 3 Pens fans now?

  5. Drawing blanks here.

  6. are we starting the "red wings fans are all bandwagoners" topic again.


    I'm still here


    oh in that case I do sort of miss a few of them, like those stubborn pens fans who kept insisting that they were going to win and then got all quiet after they lost.

  7. ummmm.....none would be my answer!!

  8. i miss them all :( NOT!

  9. ummm.... none well maybe the ones who had no clue what was going on that always cracks me up

    I am a pens fan and im still here and proud of the team and their accomplishments

  10. I'm still here, but I've been a Wings fan for 13 years.

    We saw more Pens bandwagon fans this year, no question.  With all the hype around Sid, there is no logical way to say the Pens didn't have more bandwagon fans.

  11. are you kidding me, i havnt missed any!

  12. i haven't missed any.

  13. I sorta miss trying to p**s off the Wings bandwagon

  14. They are probably hung over from the parade yesterday, I know I am.  I seen the cup fall and get dented!

  15. There out shopping for a baseball team to jump on.

  16. I'm not a fan of offseason sports news, but I'll leave the bandwagon in my driveway for next year

  17. None..but on the other hand they got me about 500 points.

  18. dont miss any of them especially the puckbunnies

  19. Im glad they are almost all gone.

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