
What banks will healthy once the credit crisis ends?

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Now seems like a prime time to buy bank stocks, I plan to invest some money into that sector. There are so many regional and national branches to consider that pinpointing an undervalued winner is a hard task.

Can someone point me in a good direction?




  1. catching falling knives is dangerous.

    if people knew who would be left standing, then the stock of that company would be up instead of down.

  2. I did buy banks stocks on 5 big banks but I am long on them.

    Till the sub prime problem has come to a end there will be some volatility with them. I think they are safe in the long run, the government would not want to see the banks go under.

    Take a look at JPM ONB MS C WFC BAC.Also it would not hurt to have some GLD.

  3. The banks that were not heavily leveraged into the high risk lending wll come out the best.

  4. do invest in any bank until the following happens:

    -oil drop

    -housing turn around

    -gold decline

    -unemployment rate back to 5%

    good luck

  5. Wells Fargo is in good shape.

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