
What bay girl name you like better?

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my boyfriend wants to named the baby charlyn and my mom heidi wich one is better im thinking of naming the baby with both this is what i came with: charlyn heidi or heidi charlyn or heidiarlyn




  1. I don't like Charlyn. Maybe Heidi Charlize.

  2. Heidi Charlyn flows better.



    Chailyn (shay-lyn or shy-lyn)


  3. i like Heidi Charlyn the best

    but Charly would be a really cute nickname

  4. I like Charlyn Heidi, but any is fine, but in my opinion, Heidiarlyn is a bit weird. Sorry :(

  5. Please not Heidiarlyn

    I don't really like Charlyn either.  Maybe Charlotte, Chantel, or even Charlize.

    Heidi is the best choice.  Heidi Charlyn sounds alright too.

  6. I don't like heidi at all.... i LOVE Charlyn though!

    you could call her charly... how cute!

  7. I think Charlize is cuter than Charlyn. Heidiarlyn is definitely way out there.

  8. Charlyn is prettier than Heidi


    I would have Heidi as the middle name


  9. I like Heidi, but not Charlyn and definitely not the combo!


    Heidi Nicole

    Heidi Michelle

    Heidi Marissa

    Heidi Paige

  10. Charlyn Heidi is a beautiful name.

    It is unique, but not ridiculous, which is wonderful.

    I think that is a perfect name right there.

  11. I personally like Charlyn best.

    But if you're going to combine the names, how about Chardi? Lots of ways you can spell it, too. Chardi, Chardee, Shardey, Chardie.

    Good luck deciding!  

  12. Heidi Charlyn flows beautiful, I hope it works well with the last name.

  13. Charlyn Heidi

  14. i like charlyn heidi.......sorry don't like the name heidi....sound too....old people

  15. Ew at Charlyn!

    Heidi is definitely better!

  16. Heidi Charlyn is absolutely adorable! It flows beautifully and is unique! Hope this helps! =)

  17. I think Heidi is the better name.

  18. I really like Heidi Charlynn.

    Also try:

    Heidi Grace

    Heidi Lynn

    Heidi Abigail

    Heidi Rose

    Charlynn Taylor

    Charlynn Paige

    Charlynn Renae

    Charlynn Hope

    Good luck and hope I helped!


  19. Heidi

    Heidi Charlyn

  20. i like heidi arlyn

  21. I love the name Heidi; it's much prettier than Charlyn, which looks made up.  As a middle name it wouldn't be so bad, so Heidi Charlyn would be my favorite choice from the options you have listed.  A combination name like Heidiarlyn or Heidilynn is truly awful.

    However, I don't think your mother should be getting to name your child.  She did come up with a lovely name, but you and your boyfriend need to like the name -- not your mother.  

    Some options that are similar to Charlyn for your boyfriend to consider:







    Some possible combinations:

    Charlotte Adelaide (Adelaide/Adelheid is the long form of Heidi)

    Rosalyn Charlize

    Gwendolyn Charlotte

    I like the idea of working both a -lyn name and a Char- name into the combination.  That way, your boyfriend gets both parts of the name he likes, but the parts are separated into two real names.

    Good luck, and I hope this helps!

  22. charlyn - no

    heidi - no

    charlyn heidi - no

    heidiarlyn - h**l no

    are you kidding me?

  23. ok definately dont combine the names!!

    i like charlyn heidi

  24. Charlyn Heidi for sure! as long as you don't choose the last one, either is ok

  25. Heidi - NO

    Charlyn - NO (I'm not sure how to pronounce this by looking at it. Is it Sharleen, Sharlynn, Charleen, or Charlynn (Ch as in chalk).

    Either combination is a NO.


    If I saw this name in one of my classes I would pronouce it "He-eye-dee-air-lynn.  

  26. I like Charlyn Heidi the most, and yea i hope heidiarlyn is a joke, right?

  27. Heidi Charlyn :) Sounds cute!

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