
What beach in the USA has the consistantly best waves for body surfing?

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What beach in the USA has the consistantly best waves for body surfing?




  1. ive been to florida but the waves are rarely large there. short of going to hawaii i would go to california. i went body surfing there

  2. The Wedge in Newport Beach Ca is the best pure bodyboarding wave around. End of story. Next.

  3. North Shore, Oahu

  4. North Shore, Oahu is flat like a swimming pool in the summer and Newport Wedge only breaks good on a solid south swell.  I would try Sandy Beach on the south east side of Oahu.  The shorebreaks there are hollow and break pretty much anytime the trade winds are blowing.  When the south swells hit in the summer time, it even gets better!

  5. The Wedge in South of California...

  6. wedge

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