
What bear species is the strongest?

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What bear species is the strongest?




  1. Actually, the Grizzly could kick a Polar Bear's behind.  True, the polar bear is a larger and heavier bear but it is much less robust than the Grizzly.  

    Compared to the grizzly, it has a thinner, longer and more delicate skull, along with narrower forequarters. This streamlining is an adaptation for an aquatic life style.

    The grizzly has a shorter, thicker neck, heavily built skull and more powerful shoulder structure. Despite being a good foot shorter, the grizzly has a trump card.

    Their claws, having evolved as digging tools,  are also unmatched at opening body carcasses. Claws of 6" aren't uncommon (9" record) while the polar bear has small hook-like 2" claws.

    Sometimes, when the ice melts, polar bears have been known to be driven off by grizzlies, when they move south into the grizzlies feeding area. A grizzly will defend his barren ground patches jealously as he races to pile on enough fat for the end of summer denning.

  2. The polar bear. They are also the only bear that will `stalk' a human from what I have heard.

  3. White?

  4. Polar bears. Kodiaks and grizzlies are both types of brown bears.  They are also very strong and can be very aggressive.

  5. poler bear

  6. polar bear

  7. Certainly not the one's from Chicago!

  8. Pooh Bear is the strongest smelling

  9. FACT! The Kodiak.

  10. the artic ploar bear

  11. polar bears

    Polar bears can run at speeds up to 55 kph!

    Polar bears are excellent swimmers

  12. not the Chicago Bears, not this year

  13. thestrongestare the biggest and that is the polor bear

                                    Polar Bear Brown Bear

    Average Weight of Mature Male

                               900-1,500 pounds 500-900 pounds

    Heaviest Recorded

                               2,210 pounds 2,500+ pounds

    Average Length of Mature Male

                                    8-8.4 feet >7-10 feet

  14. Nobody has gotten this question right yet!  Correct answer is a Kodiak~Polar Bear HYBRID  (a cross between the two bears).

    This hybrid cross has happened many times in zoo's (usually by accident). The offspring are fertile and can breed with other polar, and kodiak bears, as well as themselves.  In other-words they are NOT a genetic dead end.

    The first one ever reliably proven in the wild was shot on April 16, 2006 (in Canida).  There had been many therorized ones before that, but DNA testing was not around when they were hunted and killed.  

    So they exsist naturally in the wild, they can breed with other bears, and other hybrids (so are not a genetic dead end), and being hybrids, they grow to unusual giagantic size and strength (even bigger and stronger thant their original parents).

    So correct answer is a and Ursid Hybrid, specifically a Kodiak~Polar Bear Hybrid.


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