
What becomes legal when you can turn 18?

by  |  earlier

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I know like, buying cigarettes, but what other advantages do you gain when you turn eighteen? I've got to know this for something I'm writing. So anything you can think of please. thanks. :)




  1. You can vote and enter into contracts.  And yes, you can be stupid and cut about 14 years off your life expectancy by legally taking up smoking.

  2. You can vote.

    You can smoke and buy cigarrettes.

    You can go in most clubs, you just can't consume or buy alcohol.

    You can purchase Pornography and Adult Toys.

    You can play the Lottery.

    You file taxes on your own ( If you have a job )

    If you aren't a student you have to get your own Insurance (car, Health)

    County or Statewide Curfews do not apply to you at 18.

    If you do not already have a license, when applying for a license if you are of at least 18 yrs of age you do not have to get a permit first.

    If you are still in High School when you turn 18 you can sign your own Report Cards, Field trip notices and check yourself in and out of school.

    You can legally wed.

    You can bear arms. ( guns )

    You can sign a legal Contract.

    You can get a Tattoo or Piercing.

    You can rent your own Apartment.

    You can Purchase a car, without a co-signor.

    You can now go to Prison for a crime.

    You can apply for a credit card.

    Can't think of much else, lol.

    I wish you the best!



    ( this is for the US, in the state of TN )

  3. Depends where you live. Laws vary widely by country - and even by State if you live in a Federal country.

    Across the US, for example, you can vote at 18, and be bound to a contract. (Contrary to what others have said, you can enter into a contract at any age - but the courts will not force you to abide by it, or penalize you for not doing so, except under rare circumstances)

    In some States you can legally have s*x. (In others you could have done so since an earlier age - as early as 12 in some States if your partner is also young)

    You can get married without parental consent in most States.


  4. you can vote

    you can move out on your own(you don't have to run away or be emancipated)

    you can get that "provisional" status off of your drivers license(where I live NJ)

    sign a legally binding contract (like an apartment or car lease)

    get a credit card and open your own bank account

    get your CDL license (Commercial driver's license for operating semi's or other large trucks)

    buy lottery tickets

    buy a rifle or shotgun at WalMart (if you pass the felony background check)

    Go to a strip club

    can drive past midnight or later (depends on where you live, but some places have a night and morning restriction if you under 18. Once 18, you can be on the roads whenever you want)

    Can get an assault charge for kicking someone

    Can be sued

    no one else is responsible for your action except you (if you s***w-up, your parents do not have to accept responsibly for you anymore, meaning you are left holding the bag)

    Can go to jail (no more juvie)

    Can be married in any state (some states allow marriage before 18 with a parent/guardian signature)

    can join the military (with high school diploma)

    Can get a tattoo or piercing without a parent present

    basically you don't need your parents for anything but you haven't established any credit yet so you will probably need them to co-sign on an apartment for you (or you will need a hefty deposit).

  5. vote

    enter military

    sign contracts

    buy cigarettes

    buy lottery tickets/gamble

    consent to s*x

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