
What bedding and litter can i use for rats?

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because im about to get 2 males and i need to know what is a good quality bedding and litter for rats




  1. You are never supposed to use kitty litter. Carefresh is way too expensive to use so try aspen which is what is recommended. Never use pine or cedar because the odors can harm the rats and make them sick, possibly leading to wet tail. what you should do is if you are using a litter-box is put rat litter in it or just leave the bedding in the box and leave the cage without bedding.  

  2. For bedding use Aspen or newspaper. DO NOT USE PINE OR CEDAR, because the chemicals and oils can make your rodent uncomfortable and create breathing problems.  

  3. There are 3 great beddings that I have used over the years with my girls. Carefresh is really good. That is what I use. Soft Sorbent is good and so is Yesterdays News. I know alot of rat owners like to use Aspen bedding but it gave all of my girls severe respitory infections so we dont use that. Stear clear of pine or ceder bedding or anything like it. Ceder and Pine bedding will give your rats horrendous respitory infections that will have to be treated right away or the rat will die. Some ppl use towels or newspaper that they get directly from the newspaper place that doesnt have the ink on it. Hope I helped and good luck with your new fur kids.

  4. i use to work at a pet tore we used Aspen bedding or pine bedding. the paper bedding i find stunk after they wet it

  5. Don't get kitty litter, it's not for the rats.

    Get 'Soft Sorbent' bedding by Kaytee. It takes practically all the smell away and is great for them. After you cover the bottom with the soft sorbent, put a bunch of Kleenex and toilet paper in the cage so they can tear it up and use it as a softer bedding. It's perfectly safe, keeps them healthy and helps the smell.  

  6. use normal wood chips and cat litter

  7. Carefresh is good, but if you want smaller chunks of bedding, I suggest Kaytee Soft-Sorbent. Both are non-dusty, free of phenols, really absorbent and soft on feet. If the odor bothers you, you can purchase Soft-Sorbent in rose, mint and lavender.

  8. i use carefresh bedding. and it is really cool because you can get it in different colors.

  9. we just use kitty litter as it does the same job basically

  10. Carefresh would be the best.  But it is a bit pricey.  If you're cheap, then you can use shredded paper.

  11. DO NOT USE KITTY LITTER!!!!(it can hurt them) if you go to the pet store you can buy bedding made for all types of rodents, or you can use pine or other wood shavings also found in pet stores.

  12. Don't get kitty litter. It's dusty, which can cause respiratory problems and not made for rats. Also, don't get any kind of wood shaving bedding, especially pine. They release gasses that can make your rats sick. I like Carefresh bedding, the soft gray kind. Sometimes they like to chew on it though. It's okay because it has safe ingredients and won't hurt them. It makes a nice, warm nest too which your rats will love!

  13. i use a paper based cat litter for my rats. they dont sleep on it, as they have 2 hammocks at the top of their cage which they sleep in. they just use the bottom of the cage as a litter tray. lol

  14. I have had 3 hamsters in the past and I have found that kitty litter works well for litter and for bedding, a lot of times the stuff you buy is saw dust. I would recommend saving newspaper because that and a mixture of either sawdust or bedding you buy is the best absorbing combo. Hope this helps!

  15. Aspen is the best. Little dust and no harmful hydrocarbons. It absorbs smells good too.

  16. Do not get cat litter. It is very dusty and can seriously hurt there system. You can use (for litter) Yesterdays News Cat litter which is 100% recycled paper. They do have some for small animals but its much more money and its the exact same thing. The YN cat litter is great.

         Do not use pine or cedar because these will also seriously hurt there system. I highly recommend carefesh which is 100% recycled bedding. It's soft, not dusty and is completely safe for rats. If you want to go over the top, use Carefresh ULTRA which is white and its like cotten balls. Also, good job on getting 2 ratties. They will make awesome pets!

    Oh, and dont use newspaper because the ink can come off and stain your rats fur and the toxic ink can be dangerous. Plus, it doesnt controll odours very well. good Luck!!

  17. try "care fresh pet bedding" i use it 4 my guinea pigs and it works great! even on the back it says you can use it for a lot of animals including rats. the sell it a places like "petco" and "pet smart".

    hope this helps!:D

  18. yesterdays news cat litter

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