
What beer provides the best drunk?

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what beer produces the best drunk feeling...i know cheap beers can have a S****y,angry drunk...please help with input




  1. Timothy beat me to it - Steel definately does the trick. Hurricane or Rainer is pretty good for this too but if you gotta ask I'm willing to bet 10 bucks US you're underage

    Shiner Black is a good one - I am glad to see that ya'll outside TX can enjoy it too.

  2. I used to like Black Label because it makes you f**t.

  3. Corona beer! I don't consider it cheap. Some people says that it tastes like cat p**s but many (me to) like it. Gives you a happy energetic feeling. Good stuff!

  4. Why drink kidney beer (Steel, Coors, Bud...) when one of the best values of beer (dollars & cents, etc.) is Arrogant b*****d Ale!

    Such a good ale it's slogan is "Are You Worthy?"

    They also carry (seasonal) the Double b*****d- will hit you good!

    Sold in 32oz. bottles 1 is like drinking 3 beers, imagine a double b*****d!

  5. Well, it depends. I can only make a recommendation for a smooth ride and it is a dark beer (but not ridiculously expensive):


    Like I said it is dark but tastes real sweet. If you don't like the dark try Two Hearted ale. That won't s***w you up either. Don't drink and drive.

  6. Hefeweizen Pyramid or any Hefeweizen + Lemon... Seriously you take 6 you will see a happy smile on your face!

  7. Steel Reserve 211

  8. Sierra Nevada Pale Bock.  Actually a malt liquor, but a raging buzz.

  9. all beer will make you feel the sam...drunk..when your drunk, you mind as well go for the cheap beer because chances are you wont care or remember

  10. Of the popular beer Coors does it for me. For the richer heavier stuff I like Killians Irish Red.

  11. It depends on where you live. We drank alot of Gennesse cream ale. It sneaks up on you, then wham, you can't walk.  

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